Super Shoot Update

James A. Kelbly

New member
As of today we are looking like 225 to 250 shooters, with about 60 signed up for unlimited at this point and the new 3 gun award. Who will be the first 3 gun Super Shoot Champion?

Also want to inform everyone that Bruno Shooters Supply will not have a store at this years Super Shoot. PMA and Benchrite will be onsite with their stores along with Sew U Say and others. At this point we already have one shooter on site and more to show up next week.

Also, if you signed up for the 2 gun and are going to shoot three gun, I need to know this so I can squad you accordingly. The plan for Unlimited will be relaxed and we will run by clock not in a hurry to finish the day. We will have 2 or 3 relays and we will start every 30 mins for 2 relays or every 20 minutes for 3 relays, this will give the Unlimited shooters plenty of time to clean and reload. Get your Unlimited rifles out of month balls and come and shoot with us. It will be a relaxed match.

Unlimited Order Of Fire


Unlimited matches

Is it safe to assume that there will be a
warm up match at 100/200 yards
and then 8 matches for record of 10 shots/target at both 100/200 yards?

I have not seen or don't remember the format.


The Unlimited format is a warm up and five ten shoot matches for a total of 6 matches per yardage.


I would really like to see how this works for the UL as it would be a great format for the NBRSA Nationals, as most of us have ran out of our Gym membership and with all the pills we have to carry around it's all getting very heavy.

And Thanks Jim for the UL trial and hope it works for you and the shooters enjoy it.
