Super Shoot Day 2 Smiley wins with 1774 agg


1 Smiley 1774

2 Scarbrough Jr 2004

3 Gene Bukys 2054

4 Dale Boop 2062

5 Bart Sauter 2066

best I can do working from the iPhone

Yesterday Bart had Gene by .0022. Today Gene knocked off .0012. Only .0010 seperating them.

That is just AWESOME......... SHOOTING.

I the sparse reporting (at least there is some and thanks to the ones that do report) that there is little interest in BR shooting east of the Mississippi. Kinda sad!

Thanks a lot. I really wish I were there if only to see you guys fight it out.

I wish we could get Kelbly's to put the top fifty, even the top twenty on here each day. But that's a lot of work and they tend to be kinda busy.

Stephen, I have that tape too. Glorya managed to get her picture taken on it so's we are gonna have it for a while.

Good luck to all.

Dick Wright
Congrats to the top 5 the past 2 days. And Dale Boop in 4th? Awesome!!!! He is a great 200 yd shooter so my money is on Dale to win the HV grand. W all of todays tech. the results could be streamed live on Kelblys site as the scores are entered. Just think how many people would be on there site everyday. Maybe even get the itch to buy something while they are on there??? Atleast a quick copy and paste job could be done in a matter of seconds for the top 20 each match. Cant wait to see todays results and the LV grand winner!!!! Good luck all. : )
Good Shooting Smiley

Good Shooting Smiley...congrats on the win.

AGG: Bart .1970 Gene .1975

Can't get any closer than that.

Great Shooting guys

Looks like it will be a tight one to the end.......

I see our GCR Gene B. is hanging in there and staying near the top....
Why is that??

I the sparse reporting (at least there is some and thanks to the ones that do report) that there is little interest in BR shooting east of the Mississippi. Kinda sad!

I don't understand this. Are we not cool enough? Are we not worth the air time?
I don't watch the outdoor channels much, but when I have tuned in to the shooting shows, it's been either trap shooting or tactical pistol shooting every damn time. Just once, I'd like to see Scousen or somebody else stuck in a rut, take a camera crew to the Super Shoot and report on it! I'm not asking for the entire show, just give us a clip or tidbit for hells sake. Sheesh! Ok, rant over. We now return to your normal broadcasting............;)
I the sparse reporting (at least there is some and thanks to the ones that do report) that there is little interest in BR shooting east of the Mississippi. Kinda sad!

If its anything like our matches, everybody is either reloading, setting flags or just trying to relax a minute ... I'm sure you'll get all the updates you need in time.