Super Shoot and wind flags???


Tim B.
Super Shoot and wind flags???
I attended, my first Super Shoot this year. Had a great time. :)
I was told you need 30 wind flags.
Has anyone written down the flag pole heights????
Ratigan's' book mentions 10" max. height at bench 1. Saw this first hand. In process of making those.
And I think he said 12' at bench 50 to 60???? How many 12 footers?????
And any other info. is always appreciated.
Tim B.
Unless you are sponsoring a flag rotation at the Supershoot (or any of the Nationals), you don't need 30 flags. Most people build 8, which provides you 6 at 200 yards and a few spares (in case someone accidently shoots one).

In terms of pole heights, it varies based on the range (as short as 12 inches at Holton and parts of Kelbly's to plus-7 feet (at the other part of Kelbly's). For most ranges, build two or three for 10-18", eight at 24-60", and two or three for 5-8'.

Daisys - used for determining the velocity when tails are straight out (it's a personal thing).

Lee :D
Unless you are sponsoring a flag rotation at the Supershoot (or any of the Nationals), you don't need 30 flags. Most people build 8, which provides you 6 at 200 yards and a few spares (in case someone accidently shoots one).

In terms of pole heights, it varies based on the range (as short as 12 inches at Holton and parts of Kelbly's to plus-7 feet (at the other part of Kelbly's). For most ranges, build two or three for 10-18", eight at 24-60", and two or three for 5-8'.

Daisys - used for determining the velocity when tails are straight out (it's a personal thing).

Lee :D

Thanks Lee.
Did not take into account people shooting my flags.
I was wondering about pole lengths/heights.
I might have enough material to do 30 flags.....
Have the short ones made. :)

This will be a different answer from the others...

Kelbly's set-up provides all benches with good flags put there by folks they depend on, successful competitors whose flags they know are good. You can ask for most anyone's flags and get to shoot on same such as Dwight's, the Wind Probes (my favorite) or Tony's or whoever's. All you have to do is request the flags you want on the registration form.

I think most people do this and it works well. However, there are always a few guys who can't possibly win the Super Shoot unless they shoot over their own flags. (You gotta be there a few years to see and appreciate some of the abortions they put up.) The result is five of Tony's flags (let's assume you asked for his rotation) and at least two other types of flag all on the same bench at 100 yds.

If you think it helps to shoot over ten or fifteen flags on one bench at 100 yds. at Kelbly's you need a new dealer who sells better dope.

Please just fill in the box on the back of your registration form telling Jimmy whose flags you want to shoot on and leave your freakin' flags home. It's one of the best parts of going to any Super Shoot.

It is polite to help the guy on whose flags you are shooting put up and take down his flags.

One thing that should always be done... If you bring your own like we do you can appreciate this.

Before and after the match find out who's flags you are shooting over and help them in setting them and retrieving them. We had Thirty flags and Five windicattors at the IBS Score Nationals in Iowa and One person on that rotation helped us every night and every morning. Jerry Keoppel was a great assistance. You usually have very few offers.

Thanks Jerry

Dick, Paul, and everyone. Thanks.
I went to the Super Shoot, this year. I was on a bench with Russell Means and Dennis Tinkman. They have this down to an art. They had enough wind flags and those damn probes. Don't like probes. Of any type. Ha ha......
Russell and Dennis are Left handed. So the flags were set up that way.
I got lucky and Jack Neary was on my left. Great guy. Lotta help.

I heard there were some guys who were shooting with no wind flags.....
So it's winter. In the Great White North. And Surprise. I have some Stainless tubing laying around. Mostly junk. So far, I have about 15-20 poles made. And 10-15 flags. :)

You’ve been given good advice here. Having thirty flags requires a substantial expenditure of money, even if you build your own.

One of the reasons for having requested rotations at the FISS is to not only help disperse the costs and convenience of flag setting for the competitors, but to keep the range free of a confusing conglomerate of randomly set flags.

One of the finest examples of readable windflag range setting was done at the WBC at Kelbly’s a few years ago. All flags on the range were Hensley type of the same color, all perfectly aligned like little soldiers. It made condition reading so easy and obvious…especially for me since I didn’t qualify for the match! :D

As a courtesy, offer your assistance to the flag owner on your rotation with carrying, preparing, setting and removing the flags for the match.

Greg Walley
Kelbly's Inc.
Thank you. Yes, that was me.
I had compared the schedule with a calender. So as to submit, my vacation request at work. I hope it is correct.

Is another reason we have not met. I had indicated trying to attend the MI State Score Championship. And Shooting at your home range. Tawas/Oscoda, MI.
I was lucky to get 2 weekends off each month. Just to shoot Benchrest Group.
Corporate America, is taking advantage of the economy. And not hiring. I am doing the job of 4 workers.
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I understand. And thank everyone in this sport. Without their help and support. I would not be here.
And I was just trying to help out.
And help other shooters. This sport is very daunting.
I will Cease and Desist all work on Wind Flags for the Super Shoot.

It appears Greg Walley, will supply all flags and flag poles for future Super Shoots and other events at Kelbly's Range.

I would like to thank Greg for stepping up and providing this service. :)

Tim B.
Wow Tim... when I first started reading this thread I thought you would have to make us some more flags. If I am able to go to the super shoot this year I wont have to worry about flags. That is really good news..;)
Oh, yeah.
Won't need flags or poles.
Won't need a shooting stool. Kelbly's have the really nice Sinclair stools. 60 of them. Your butt won't get cold in the morning.
Don't need to drag a table and chair along. They have those big tables. 2 guys can reload and clean on one table. Wow. :)
A huge reloading barn. The outside apron is covered. The MI guys load outside. And some big Dude from Texas. Joe's friend Gene something.
They have a breakfast and lunch kitchen. The food is really good. Mickie D's can't compare.
Everything "homemade". The pies are the best. At a good price.
And there is a place to camp. You could set up your tent.
Hey, it's a really good time. 4 days of shooting, eating, camping,........
And they even have a door prize. Everyone is a winner.
Did I say shooting????
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