Super Bowl Blues

I'd forgotten about that, but, at least Rosanne got the words right...

Fact is, there is a thing called flag etiquette and while it isn't law, it is a 'strong recommendation' that you conduct flag operations with respect. Afaic, the National Anthem ought to be the same. I don't even know what you'd call what is being done to it lately.

You'd think with all the issues there's been with the NFL pre, post and halftime shows. By now they'd screen the people doing this stuff and get someone under contract to do it respectfully. Just as the pre-game interview with the President wasn't conducted with respect. Ok, I didn't vote for him. I won't vote for him next time. I don't agree with the guy on MANY issues. But he's the President. There's no call for that sort of thing, before the super bowl or whenever. He's done more good things by accident than Clinton did...

The Media in this country is outa control. Unlike some, I don't blame Jerry Jones for any of the problems they had. I read online they even blame him for the Steelers turnovers. ??? :confused:
Most people around here could care less about the petty side show stuff. This is a FootBall Town with die hard fans.

All we care about around here is winning Football games.

Something we haven't done since Jimmy Johnson quit because of a strained relationship with Jerry Jones.

If you know anything at all about professional Football,you know that team owners can make or break a team. It all starts at the top and trickles down. The only thing we have that we can hang our hats on right now is the most expensive Football Stadium in the World.

Doesn't say much for "AMERICA"S TEAM".

I agree. Jerry Jones has caused me to become a Texans fan. I"ll probably go back to being a Cowboys fan when Jones is gone, and I don't see that happening anytime soon :(

Dan Batko

"Where are we going and why am I in this basket?"
Damn, it's good being an Aussie & only being interested in whether a game was worth watching.

No politics, no regional loyalties, no interest whatsoever in the guys behind the glass windows.
Yeh, nothing like scewing up the National Anthem with about a Billion people watching. Christina Aguilera is a great singer, she could have just came out, sang the Anthem as written, nailed it, and we would have all loved it. But, she succumbed to the old "do it my way" thing that produced disastrous results. Too busy with that "yodling" crap to remember the lyrics.

I like the way Whitney Houston did it a few years back, (she must have got sober for the occasion), changing the arrangement from 3/4 time to 4/4. Try it, it works.

One other minor little flaw. They paid the Airforce about $400,000 to do a fly-over, and the roof was closed.

As for the Half Time Show, I would not know one Blackeyed Pea song from another, but watching Fergie prance around in that dress for 15 minutes was ok with me.

And I am glad "The Pack" won. ..........JACKIE
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Yeah, Fergie..................

that was the only redeeming quality of "The Blackeyed Peeze"

I went over to a friend's house to have dinner and watch the game w/him and his wife.
When the "show" came on and Christina was standing there, I said "Watch her screw this up, big-time."

My buddy kinda snickered and asked what I meant. I said, "You watch, she'll start howlin' here soon enough, so all her friends will tell her how much better she 'done it' than the last howler they had up there."

After the torture, he said, "I have to admit, you called that one dead-on."

It wasn't a contest for me. :p
Like I said, I spent the afternoon fiddling with guns. Didn't see the game, didn't see half time. Didn't see Christina sing (who cares if she screwed it up--she's beautiful). Don't know black eyed peas from chick peas. Who is Jerry Jones? A relative of George Jones?
Aguilera looks like an ole Ho.
I'm afraid I agree with Butch here.

If how they look is going to enter into this, I gotta say Lea Michelle doing the Star Spangled Banner got my vote hands down. Not only does she look a damn site better than C.A., she's a much better singer too.
My father read your post and says your spot on.He said if you want someone to sing the national anthem hire a bigger girl and leave the skinny blonde at home.

I hope they fired who ever was in charge of the sound as we couldn't even hear Fergie or The Black Eyed Peas as half the microphones didn't work.

The Anthem was "sung" by Christina Aguilera who botched the words, but that gaffe was little noticed because it was nothing compared with her "rendition". "Replusive" and "insulting" is being too kind. The halftime show by the Black Eye Peas was, I've heard, even worse. We turned it off to watch a movie.


And one more thing. Christina Aguilera is from New York Via California. She is not from Texas.
I thought the Super Bowl was a learning experience. During the half time show I learned that Texans have very poor taste in music, if you can call that crap music.:D
I am offended by your comment.

I am sure that the Halftime show what ever it was....was planed by some producer from Hollywood and performed by the same. I seriously doubt any of the major performers were from Texas.

And just to make sure you understand I will mention that Audi Murphy was from Texas NOT Christina Aguilera.