Strange modification on 03 springfield

In fifty years I have worked on and seen quite a few 03 and 03A3 springfields. Please believe me when I tell you this rifle does not appear to have been tampered with or altered in any way other than a 3/16" hole (concealed under the stock) thru the barrel and a ground off firing pin tip! No signs of any weld any where, safety functions properly and head space is ok. The reciever is a late serial # 03. These were nickel steel receivers an were the equal of the 03-A3. The only part that did not belong was a stamped trigger guard assembly used on the later 03-A3's. The floor plate and trigger guard assembly on the 03's were milled steel. I guess we have wasted enough time on this thread so I'd like to thank every one for their input.
well i guess we will never's good you took the time to inspect the rifle, not just replace the firing pin....
learn something new everyday...

mike in co
I have a 14 Enfield that has the barrel crossed drilled and a 1/4" peened shaft in it. I was told it was a drill rifle. Nothing on the receiver was changed. The hole is in the center of the barrel, in the chamber. 303 Brit.

Martin if you are still following this thread, try checking the hole you described and see if its possible that there was once a rod in there. Is the hole in such a place that "if" there were a rod in it that a round could not have chambered?
You may have hit the nail on the head! The 3/16" hole appears to be about an inch ahead ahead of the chamber. At present the head space checks out and it will properly chamber a round but if a .300 rod were pinned inside barrel that would damn sure make it safe. The only problem at this point is that the hole is not tapered (tapered pin) but I suppose they could have used a straight pin with a press fit. Hole and bore appear to be clean as a whistle with no marks or dings evident. The location of hole would indicate a longer rod than would have been necessary but it would have worked.