Stevens 200 stock ideas...

I have been looking at a new West System Epoxy called G/flex. I have had great results with there other epoxys over the years. This one is supose to work with platics.

I picked up 200' of carbon fiber tow from EBay for $9. Now all I need is to find a Stevens 200.

West systems epoxy has world wide distrabution. Should be in a marine store near you.

Thanks for that John.
I just emailed their dealers in Australia.They are located not far from me.
I have no experience with the carbon fibre, but this looks like a good project to use it.Can you please point me to a site on how to use this for stock stiffening/mods etc?
West Systems has a large searchable web site with lots of info on how to use there epoxy. They were using carbon tow to stiffen sailboat masts years ago.
do a search and see if you can come up with a procedure.

It looks like to get best results with the G/Flex you need to roughen up the surface, rub it down with alcohal then singe it with a torch. I am going to put grooves on the inside of the forend, do the cleaning, spread a layer of G/Flex, then lay the carbon tow in the groove. Wet out the carbon with an acid brush. Put a couple of layers of wax paper in the barrel chanel to isolate barrel from the goo. I will wrap a few layers of tape where the end of the stock is to center the barrel while curing. Bolt it together and set it upright so the epoxy will level its self in the stock.

All this on a rifle I dont even have yet.

I did a Ramline plastic stock in Devcon and carbon once. It came out very stiff but picked up to much weight for a hunting rifle.
I havent thought about bedding the recoil lug or tang yet.
Be careful not to get any epoxy on uncoated metal. a releasing agent might save a lot of grief.

Good Luck, take it slow, the plastic stocks are considered throw aways any way.

John In LV
NO luck John, The westsystems local dealer called to say they dont import G flex into Oz due to some restriction on one of its components.I'm on scene 1,take 7, this time prepped stock area with PVC pipe primer, then am trying a 'Fahrenheit' metal epoxy.If I find something that sticks, great, else, will throw that stock into the Pacific and get myself a Boyd or B&C.But it is an interesting exercise, not in futility I hope...
That sounds like some very interesting method you're describing-I shall try some itsy bitsy stuff before I venture onto using carbon fibre on stocks.Lots of reading to do on epoxies and carbon fibre!Checked out a local stock maker-540AUD for a fibre glass or laminate stock.costs as much as the NIB rifle!
Scene 2
1 Boyd stock ordered.Anyone know if a 'pepper laminate' can be bedded?