Stainless Steel Polishing Media ?


New member
Anyone ever use this stuff? For years I've used nothing but ground corn cob with brass polish added. It works well, but requires a long tumble for best results. I stumbled on to this stuff, and it looks really good!

I really like the way it cleans the primer pockets as well as the flash holes, and it doesn't get stuck in the flash holes like corn cob does. I'm not sure if you have to use it wet or not. It appears so. I have a Thumlers Model B Tumbler, but I haven't used it in years since I got a Dillon FL-2000. I don't think you can use the Dillon model with wet media. The Stainless Steel media also will never wear out. It's avaliable here:

I'm going to look into it further, and try to get some more information. If I had more room I would like to get one of those small, motorized cement mixers from Harbor Freight. They have models with plastic barrels that are small enough to be just about perfect for polishing brass with this stuff, and it's obviously no problem to use them wet. Bill T.
In "B"enchrest, targets with small groups and 250 scores with high x counts don't care whether the brass was polished or not.

Yes, you use it wet. In a Thumler's Model B, about 5 lbs media, about 100 .308 win cases (for example), a squirt of Dawn, a teaspoon of Lemishine, and fill to within an inch or so of the top with water. Tumble for 2-3 hrs, drain, separate the media, rinse, and dry. Still tedious, but gets the cases cleaner than my best efforts with ultrasonic cleaning. Not as many little fiddly steps, just bigger ones. It's nice knowing the cases going back into my dies and chamber are completely clean - no abrasives from either powder residue, range grit, or tumbler dust as my ammo gets used a little closer to the deck than most "B"enchrest fodder. Does it make a meaningful difference on target? Probably not, but it keeps me out of the bars and off the tables, which has gotta be worth something... ;)

(it keeps me out of the bars and off the tables, which has gotta be worth something.)

I agree!! I tried the hole bar seen for a while in my early to mid 20's, and not one dam good thing came out of it! This madness is much more enjoyable!! LOL!!!