Springville UT Range-New improvements coming!


Mike Paul

There has been a lot of activity up at Springville at the Garth Killpack Range over the last month. In the past, we have used tents for the reloading areas which has been working well-but there has been plans to put up a more permament structure in the future-and the future is now! Jim Erickson asked me to post some pictures of progress made this last weekend. He, Dave Tunbridge, Joe Olas, and Jim Bawden have been busy.
With the help of local people including Pacific States Gun Club President-John Williams, Condi Construction's heavy equipment digging the holes, and Travis Olsen Trucking furnishing the services of his dump truck and material Delivery-they were able to get together this weekend setting the columns and mixing concrete the hard way, by the bag adding rock and using a portable mixer. Bob Marshall and Western Pipe Coaters donated the Columns. Dave, Jim, Joe, and Jim Bawden got all the columns set, and will be working on getting trusses and framework up as weather permits.

Anyone who has shot Springville in the past knows how nice the facility is, and the quality of the people who run the matches. This is just another example of trying to make things even better. Springville is becoming very popular for spring and fall matches in the Mountain West area.

Here are some pictures of the progress-





More Pictures coming. We would like to thank John Williams of the Garth Killpack range for working with Central Utah Benchrest Shooters, and give a big thanks to our Present and past Match Directors, Dave Tunbridge and Joe Olas for working on the improvements-along with Jim Erickson, Jim Bawden, and others who have helped in the past. It looks to be another great season next spring!

Mike Paul
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Looks like you guys are doing a GREAT JOB. Only shot there once last season, missed the other match. Can we have another B-day for your wife so we can have cake again? ( LOL ). Looking forward to the 2009 season, and what should be a Frist Class loading Facility. Ron
Mike it sure looks great. Wish I was going to be there helping. :mad: But, at least when I retire and get moved there, they should be completed. :D
Seriously though, Please send me the dates for the registered matches. I'm going to try and make them if scheduling permits. I look forward to meeting all of you. Also is this a private or public range? DO you hold monthly club matches or just the registered ones?

Thank You,

James Statham
Beautiful place!

I see Jim Erickson holding a pole in place in the concrete.....Better put a level to it:D
Hope to shoot there in the future.

Tentative dates for 2009 are May 2nd and 3rd-(someones birthday again) for Light and Heavy Varmint. The Sporter and Unlimited is scheduled for August 1st and 2nd. These dates still need to be ratified by the Regional Director, Lou Murdica.

I don't think you need to worry about Jim leveling that pole as much as detaching him from it as I heard he froze to it and they had to get a torch to get him off....

The range is for the public, but you can also buy a membership. I have no idea what the dues and requirements are, but I believe it is very reasonable.

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Mike it sure looks great. Wish I was going to be there helping. :mad: But, at least when I retire and get moved there, they should be completed. :D
Seriously though, Please send me the dates for the registered matches. I'm going to try and make them if scheduling permits. I look forward to meeting all of you. Also is this a private or public range? DO you hold monthly club matches or just the registered ones?

Thank You,

James Statham

The range is a scheduled, supervised public range under lease from the Utah Division of Natural resources to the Pacific States firearms club. The UDNR lets us run everything pretty much the way we see fit but they still have ultimate say in most matters. They use it primarily for the hunter ed classes and delegate the authority to manage the rest of the public to PS. We must man the range with officers on open public days, maintain and manage the range, and always permit the Boyscouts to use it for their merit badges and training. The charge to the public is $5 a year for singles, $8 per year for a couple, and $10 per year for a family. Very reasonable. And it is open four days per month during spring and summer and 12 days per month during autumn. However, you may go shooting with someone who has a key for free anytime a date can be arranged. Several of the benchresters (myself included) can take a friend up to shoot anytime we want. This is actually encouraged as it helps our man hours we report to the UDNR at the end of the year.

There are also Police departments that use their own adjacent rifle range and a cowboy action club with it's own range that are seperate entities but ultimately answer to the UDWR or PS.

The Central Utah Benchrest Shooters have privately funded almost all the improvements to the range single-handedly but yet only a few guys got keys out of the deal.
The Pacific States club itself was not responsible for the new loading shelter. It was all donated, arranged, planned and erected solely by benchresters.
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Tentative dates for 2009 are May 2nd and 3rd-(someones birthday again) for Light and Heavy Varmint. The Sporter and Unlimited is scheduled for August 1st and 2nd. These dates still need to be ratified by the Regional Director, Lou Murdica.

I don't think you need to worry about Jim leveling that pole as much as detaching him from it as I heard he froze to it and they had to get a torch to get him off....

The range is for the public, but you can also buy a membership. I have no idea what the dues and requirements are, but I believe it is very reasonable.


Hey Mike,
There was a rumor going 'round that we were going to switch the UL/sporter to May this year and do the HV/LV in Aug. Any truth to this? It would sure be nice to shoot 10 shot groups in 65 degree weather instead of 95!

The rumor is correct. We will shoot the Sporter/Unlimited in May and shoot the Light/Heavy in August. I just verifiied it.
