SPEC P-1 "Primevil" Delivered to Robert Oates


Well-known member
It is in the history books now. Robert Oates has picked up Jeff Patterson's first SPEC rifle.

All eyes will be on this rifle to see how it does in RFBR. That is a lot of pressure and it may take sometime before we really know the rifles capabilities.

Many of Calfee's SPEC rifles took awhile before they proved their mettle.

There has been so much hype around this build it will be hard to impress, but very easy for the naysayers to criticize.

Robert has quite a dilemma. Does he go out there and hit the bigtime matches, or does he sit back and get some bench time before he ventures out.

It is going to be interesting to watch.


Robert picking up Primevil at J-PATs.jpg
Hopefully we will see it at the ARA Indoor Nationals. Almost a month for shaking it out should tell something.

Unless Robert has some killer ammo stashed away, I think it's unlikely his performance will be indicative of the rifle's potential in the near term, considering there's no match ammo available for anyone at the current time to lot test.

Since Larry Parsons was with Robert when he received Primevil, there may be an outside chance they'll be able to make a deal with some of Larry's good lots and the possibility of performing to whatever its potential might be in the long term.

Just some thoughts,
Primevil were a short-lived American rock group of the 1970s. Their lone release, Smokin' Bats at Campton's

Lets hope the rifle and shooter have better success than " Primevil " the rock group. I feel like Robert will get the best of of it.

Wondering if they were going for Primeval? Relating to the earliest ages of the world or human history.:confused:

I've never named a gun, car or any other thing I have owned, well maybe a short term name like, &%#!! when it was not doing I thought it should :rolleyes:

I may name one of my Winchester 52's " Primeval " It is OLD and it's basically one of the earliest match grade rifles produced. Naw, don't think so.:p