Southeast Regional (1st Annual Brady Knight Memorial Tournament) - Day 2

Dave Rabin

New member
Day 2 results attached -- Unlimited 100 and Sporter 100, along with the grand aggs for both. Don Hardeman potentially set a new NBRSA record for 10-shot Unlimited 100.


  • Unltd100.PDF
    93.8 KB · Views: 299
  • UnltdGrand.PDF
    71.9 KB · Views: 304
  • Sporter100.PDF
    113 KB · Views: 289
  • SporterGrand.PDF
    85.3 KB · Views: 325
Dave, thank you for giving two days of your time to score targets while we played with our guns.
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How about a report on day three. Circumstances kept me from being there, I know that I missed a good shoot.

Dan Honert
Hunter or Bart might post some results when they get a chance....Steve Lee will post 'em all in the end...maybe.....
I don't have many details; however, Jeff Summers won the four-gun. Steve Lee and Tim Singleton won a bunch of stuff; Bart, Billy, Roger Avery, Don Hardeman, Terry Leonard, Scott Mims, Matt Owens, Mark Roper, Buddy Ross, and Gary Sullivan won trophies, also.

Special thanks to:
Charlie and Cheryl Hood for feeding us for four days, and to Phyliss Avery and others who helped and also provided food;
Scott Dittman and Dave Rabin for giving of their time to score the targets;
Tony and Summer for running targets; and
Jim Andress for organizing and running the match.
Great shooting

I don't have many details; however, Jeff Summers won the four-gun. Steve Lee and Tim Singleton won a bunch of stuff; Bart, Billy, Roger Avery, Don Hardeman, Terry Leonard, Scott Mims, Matt Owens, Mark Roper, Buddy Ross, and Gary Sullivan won trophies, also.

Special thanks to:
Charlie and Cheryl Hood for feeding us for four days, and to Phyliss Avery and others who helped and also provided food;
Scott Dittman and Dave Rabin for giving of their time to score the targets;
Tony and Summer for running targets; and
Jim Andress for organizing and running the match.

I wish I could have stayed longer. I would like to "Ditto " all the above..

Charlie and Cheryl are the greatest.. I'll probably be on his tax return as dependent and may be on Wilbur's too. Thanks and great to see all who were there.,
I wish I could have stayed longer. I would like to "Ditto " all the above..

Charlie and Cheryl are the greatest.. I'll probably be on his tax return as dependent and may be on Wilbur's too. Thanks and great to see all who were there.,

Great to have visited with you Tommy.

Uncle Jerry

