South Creek - Sutton Memorial -Nader wins

South Creek - Sutton Memorial - Nader wins

Mr. Joel Nader rules South Creek this weekend. I had a quick scratchy cell phone conversation with Jim Borden who reported that Ralph's evil twin won both LV and HV, and thus the 2-gun. He won the same 2-gun last year and will not be allowed to compete there in 2010... :D

About $3280 was raised in Michelle's name for the American Cancer Society.

I'm sure Jim or others will post the details and other winners.

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Joel Nader

cash option

I sure hope Joel; played cash option. So he can afford to get a hair cut!!!!!!!!!!! Good shootin Joel Tony
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Congratulations Joel


Congratulations - Nice shooting. I know you have been working hard to get back into the "groove". Keep it up.

Sorry I missed the Southcreek shoot. I had some family obligations. With $3700 raised, sounds like there was a good turn out.

See you at CCC.

Michelle Sutton Memorial Charity Classic II

Joel Nader .2232
Robert Truss .2260
Ned Hosey .2494

Skip Derock .2652
Dan Shelhammer .2689
Jack Sutton .2861

Joel Nader .2715
Dan Shelhammer .2838
Bob Brushingham .2913
Jack Sutton .3073
Skip Derock .3118

Gary Amatrudo .2214
Bob Brushingham .2356
Robert Kenderdine .2386

Joel Nader .2334
Mark Trutt .2348
Skip Derock .2440

Joel Nader .2538
Mark Trutt .2571
Robert Kenderdine .2576
Skip Derock .2587
Gary Amatrudo .2616

Joel Nader.2627
Skip Derock .2853
Jack Sutton .2886
Bob B rushingham .2920
Robert Kenderdine .2947
Rookie Winners

LV 100 Joe Petrikonis
HV100 Joe Petrikonis
HV 200 Donna Bizzell
LV 200 John Miller

HVG--Donna Bizzell
LVG John Miller

2 Gun John Miller

Donna was shooting the pink Cancer Rifle that was raffled last year--good to see it in hands that truly appreciate the rifle and what it means.
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Thanks guys,
I shot next to Donna Bizzell (sexy rookie)and Marky Tolbert( cagey old veteran)all weekend and could not have had a better time.I teamed up on flags with Dan Shelhamer(lefty)and we ran em right down the middle,worked out pretty good for both of us. In the muck and mire we also developed the "beat the flag pole down to China with a ball peen hammer technique".
I got to load with Eckenrode,Kenderdine and Brushingham and the rest of the gang in the pavillion( priceless). Had a deluxe chicken dinner at "Mastrogiovanni's Trailer World", Sold a bunch of yard sale stuff and barely avoided being stomped into the mud in the HV 200 and HV Grand by "Big" Mark Trutt(recently out on parole from the Weikirt State Penitentiary)I almost got run out of the two gun by Skip DeRock and Jack Sutton but somehow grabbed a log and floated to the finish line ahead of every body else.
We were all "shooting for Michelle" so there were no losers,only winners,and I humbly share my stack of wood with all in attendance.
If you come away from a BenchRest match feeling a little empty,you need to put the Michelle Sutton Memorial on your schedule for next year.
Way to go Joel! Must be something with the hair, maybe it is acting like a wind flag and when it covers your eyes you shoot.
The Best
Mike M
Great Shooting Joel!!

Keep the hair, I think we should start calling you " Sampson".
Way to go, I owe you an import, good on ya!
