Source for Long Indicator points

I have a B&S BesTesT indicator (7033-5) that I would like to use with a long indicator point. The standard length is .5 inches. I want to reach into the throat area of a 6 ppc. About 1 3/4 to 2 inches with a .060 - .080 ball would be great.

I have tried a local indicator shop with no success. I contacted Long Island Indicator but have not heard back from them yet. Enco does not have them.

I do have a couple of Mitutoyo 513-104's that will reach up there if I pre-bore.
I do have a Grizzly rod, range rod, and pilots from Pacific. That method works.

My purpose is to prove to myself (and a friend) that there is no measurable difference in the method used to set up a barrel in the lathe.

Any help with a source for a long indicator point would be greatly appreciated.

A word of caution.......Indicators are calibrated with the length contact point that comes installed on them. When you change the length of the contact point, you also change the ratio between the ball & the pivot point. This in turn changes the amount of of each graduation. So if you are using a .0001 indicator with the original contact point, & change to a longer point, your
.0001 graduation will will now be more then what you are seeing on the dial.
The change that Rflshootr is reffering to will be approximately equal to the inverse of the change in length of the tip i.e. double the length half the indicated value.

Indicator points

I appreciate the replies. I didn't think of MSC or Travers because I never usually buy from them. 53 bucks is a little steep for an indicator point for the B&S so I will go with the one for the mitutoyo.

I do understand the issue of the indicator readings changing with different point lengths.
A relative reading is fine for what I am doing.

Thanks all
sorry but dont see what you are going to "prove".....

the indicator at the throat is an actual measurement at that with the proper tool one can dial in the throat to less than 0.0005..half of that is easy....and some go to 0.0001

so dial in, drill, redial in, prebore..and ream.......check your work.
what do you propose to put against this actual measurement ??
mike in co