Soros disarming USA

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Jerry, it's not Dennis' fault. He lives in a civilized country. He can accept that a strongman would have his opponents thrown in jailed, or killed. But the absolute insanity of American politics is hard for an outsider to believe.

A while back, I couldn't remember Karl Rove's name & had to look it up. From Wikipedia (with references)

Rove has been accused of using the push poll technique to call voters to ask such things as whether people would be "more or less likely to vote for Governor Richards if [they] knew her staff is dominated by lesbians". Rove has denied having been involved in circulating these rumors about Richards during the campaign,[SUP][27][/SUP] although many critics nonetheless identify this technique, particularly as utilized in this instance against Richards, as a hallmark of his career.[SUP][28][/SUP][SUP][29][/SUP][SUP][30][/SUP]

That Dennis would see us as crazy is not surprising.
Charles: Not that we are Obsessed with guns we just injoy shooting and not inflicting harm to anyone with them unless provoked. Dennis: I thought you made that hat for Oboma so he could go to a play! Look around boy and see how many of or rights have been taken under our very noses. If the NRA wasn't there the second amendment would be gone. There working on a treaty with other countries right now that will take care of us, keep an eye on Hillary! Then Your faith is next.

Joe Salt
I know one place it will fit. If you will carefully roll it up, not leaving any jagged edges........

Thanks to Wilbur you are no longer a moderator!!

(bye, bye post--and that is the first Smitty has spoken in a while--shame!!)

Jerry, you don't like jagged edges?

I thanked Wilbur too... I don't think any of the 'moderators' miss being a 'moderator'. All in all it was a thankless position to have.

Charles, you are not one of the crazies...
Mr. Sharrett,
It is not a shame!!! I do not know Mr. Smith and certainly do not have any bones to pick with him. But when anyone post "Rumors" that have absolutly no basis in "Fact" and someone ( anyone) doesn't bring that to attention that would be the SHAME.

George Soros is a pig, he has some vested interest in it would seem in promoting his Socialist ways. There is no doubt about that. But this rumor is just that a rumor and nothing more. It diverts attention away from what is really going on.

This country is based on a set of values that have served us well for a long time. Are those who want to see this change? Hell yes there are.The old adage that "Freedom Is Not Free" is a very good saying. It's not free, there has to be those who are willing to pay for that freedom in blood. Not your blood, and not the countrys blood, but in THERE BLOOD. And this is not a one time payment. That price has to be payed just about once a generation. I served this country for 30 years in the Marine Corps, and I know what its like to be laying in some field in one of those far away lands leaking all over the ground. Today I am old, oh I am still willing to do that maybe even more so today because I am old. My glass is half empty not half full anymore, time caught up with me. Now some young Marine has to be willing to pick up were all of the Old men left off. Not just me but all of those men from the founding of the country. Thank God we grow a new crop, who are just as willing as we were. Thank God!!

Today when one looks at the political climate it seems as if it just can't be any worse. The truth of the matter is there has not been a time in the History of this country when something like that wasn't true. Old men have been setting around the Pot Bellied Stove ( that would be one of those generations in the past) or as we do today around a Computer and piss and moan about the Politicians. Nothing has changed about that, and probably if we were to take a look from "There" prospective it was just as bad then as today.

There is nothing new about Gun Control. There has been talk about controlling guns for 150 years at least. That doesn't mean we as Americans just write it off and go about our business. We must always remain delegent against these attacks. The Power the real Power has always been with the people and it still is today. the real problem is the damn stupid people ( That would be "us" and I mean all of US) can't agree on anything as mundane as the weather, how much chance do we have to elect Men to run the country? And I do mean "MEN" real men. No we the people elect folks like Harry Reid, Nancy Pelosi, John Kerry, John Boehner and the hundreds of other politicians of both partys. Today in Washington running this country "For US" there are not two dozen real men elected to office. Until that changes, if it ever does, there is not much chance of us getting this right.

And things havn't changed one little bit since this country was founded. When the War against England was fought for our independence it is interesting to take note of the vote. One third of the people of the country wanted us to be self Governed ( ONE THIRD) the second third wanted to leave things alone as stay as subjects of the Crown, the last third were complettly ambivalent and didn't have an opinion one way or the other. Can you imagine that something that important and they didn't have an opinion!!! Why would Gun Control today be any different? That is a Shame, not calling some guy on posting a rumor.......

Charles mentioned Wilburs threshold well pretty sure this one should do it.


Jerry the point is were losing everything all or brave men and women have fought for, and not just gun rights. Open your eyes, every time I turn on the TV. its another right the minoritys are trying to take. Whose country is this anyway, were handing it over one state at a time. Who knows Oboma may want to give part of the country to the Chinese to pay our debt. I know I'm only one vote, but I do vote.

Joe Salt
Unrestricted gun control IS HERE, it's called The Affordable Health Care Act.........Do you know what's in the AHCA law? Do those who passed it know? ........Now unelected beaurocrats are interpreting the passed law (deemed constitutional) ............Gov't now has total regulation on insurance, insurance companies are in business to make money, Gov't mandates ( insure everyone , irregardless of existing cond.)will make it impossible to make a profit.......Aetna and others will be the new GM. When you apply for insurance under the new AFHC, beware of the question "Do you own or use any type of firearm....or engage in any other hazardous activity".....start reaching for your wallet.
Joe, make me a list. What rights have we lost? What could you do in 1960 you cannot do today? For example, Lynching was never a right, you could jut get away with it. That the kinda of thing you mean?

Mr. Smith, You're babbling. Here's mine. A certain amount of gun control is mandated by God. He called it marriage. At least I can make n argument for mine.
What rights have we lost? What could you do in 1960 you cannot do today? .

The most important right we have lost since 1960, IMO, is the rights taken by this thing we call GCA68! I could go on...

Edit- any time our elected officials raise their hand in the affirmative we loose rights, or money, or both.......FACT!!
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This is an old bad rumor that is simply not true...
I am a Regional Sales Mgr. employed by The Freedom Group and I can assure you, George Soros does not have any ties or ownership with our businesses.
Jack Neary
Jerry, allowing wide lattitude for personal opinion, which God knows, I have plenty of, I'd challenge your fact. The politicians are pikers. The banks and very large businesses are our real enemies -- or not enemies, but things over which we'd have no control without government. And they're doing a piss poor job. Since the deregulation by conservative elected officials, I've lost more money from standard, minimum risk investments (like the S&P 500 index fund) than ever before.

You talk about a loss of manufacturing -- another factor is since the rich can make money by just dealing with money -- which is fast, no need to actually make anything -- why bother making anything. Esp. since the greater risks are covered by the government. Edit: It is probably true that we cannot now let the large banks fail. But who let them get that big? Clue: Ronald Regan's administration & that congress, whatever their personal philosophies. Clue 2: nobody's had the balls to break them up, including Obama.

There is no perfect, quick fix. If there were, either the conservatives or the liberals would have fixed things long ago, when one or the other was in power. It is a delicate balance, and we're depending on the pendulum never swinging too far in either direction, because it ALWAYS overshoots.

For example, I imagine Joe Salt is down on the unions just now. But ask him where he'd be if they had never played a role? Like so many institutions, they addressed a problem, & just overshot. And by in large, it wasn't the workers, it was the bureaucratic structure of the unions that (1) felt they had to justify their position, and (2) got a bit greedy. In my somewhat less than humble opinion, good government tries to get at & limit this overshooting a bit quicker. Right now, our dysfunctional government -- AND ESPECIALLY THE FAR RIGHT -- our elected officials -- are just trying for personal satisfaction, not trying to fix any problems. The old notion that one person's greed counteracts the others assumes a certain leveling of the playing field, and we're losing it.


In other words, I'm a Teddy Roosevelt progressive. The world changes, you cannot stop it, you cannot roll it back, all you can do is adjust to the new situation. That applies to government and its role as well as to personal attitude. Go look at the time of the robber barons if you think government should have no limiting power. Assume you would not be one of the rich 1 percent. They tell you you could be, but make sure you won't. Now look at how the other 99 percent -- us -- had to live. (Even this example doesn't work, because then we had the family farm...)
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Charles: Since the 1960's let me see Helmet law, Smoking, Prayer in school, getting on a plane without being strip searched, Feeding deer in your back yard,Buying too big a soft drink, Medical prosedure without approval, in the 60's my insurance was 100% paid. and cheep. Going or coming into Canada without pass port or enhanced drivers license. And I'm sure that not all. Oh and taking the word GOD out of everything. Charles its nit-picking us to death like the NRA says a little here a little there and before you now it they have it all.

Joe Salt
Joe, I could quibble, but that would be, well, ... quibbling. I would note that some of those are probably state laws. I don't want to feed the dear (let 'em forage like their parent did), but we can. I imagine the forced medical procedure was mandated by your insurance company -- or the other guys? I'm as old as you & never *had* to have one... (Edit: Mine's been the other problem. As a 2-time cancer patient, I've had to fight off the insurance companies from dropping me flat, by foul means, even after I'd paid premiums for 35 years & never filed a major calim. You'd be amazed at the lengths they go to, even in North Carolina, which has for a while had some laws against that. Trying to get me declared "disabled" so the group plan wouldn't cover me, etc.)

And a lot of the restrictive stuff was put in by the conservatives -- the Bush administration & congress, to be precise -- to make us feel better about their efforts to "stop terrorists and illegal immigrants." I agree with you -- it was bull$hit then & still is. Stuff to give to the numb-minds so they'll vote for you.
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Old teddy was our first true progressive. Having toured Europe extensively with his parents early in life he got a taste for European socialism. He like many progressives following him believed that the Constitution was too restrictive on government.

I quote from another true provressive Woodrow Wilson from an essay he penned in 1887;
"For it is clear that in fundamental theory socialism and democracy are almost if not quite one and the same."

True the world changes but the precepts of freedom as laid out in the Declration of Independence and The Constitution do not. They have been greately maligned and subverted by the Progressive policies of sitting Justices on the Supreme Court over the years. Incidently they are appointed for life provided Good behavior [article III]. Is it good behavior for a sitting justice to travel to Egypt and declair that she does not believe in our Constitution as it was written? Is it good behavior for a sitting justice to declare that he takes into account foreign law when making decisions concerning our Constitution?

The people charged with governance in All three branches of government take an oath to protect and defend the Constitution as it was written not as they want it to be. Please refer to the arguments for and against the Constitution in the 85 Articles of the Federalist papers and the 55 or so articles of the Anti federalists.

Joe Henderson
Rights lost since 1960:
You could walk into a rural bar with 6-gun strapped to your waist without getting arrested or even the police being called.
A student could keep their GH /varmint gun in the truck in the school lot.
You could call someone a name (of what you really thought about him) without getting arrested for a hate crime.
You could buy most any firearm/ammo over the counter without the authorities knowing what you any quantity...with no waiting period without the added gov't check fees.
You could arm yourself in many rural areas with no restricted areas....schools, courthouses, banks, state and national parks.
You could give the guy who just cut you off , the finger....without getting arrested for road rage
You could operate a gun range without the gov't regulating how to contain the lead, or how many decibles reach the newly built subdivision built next to you
You and several friends could start a gun club in the back country without the local opponents using EPA regs, Uniform Building Code regs, Health Dep't regs ( if handle food) to shut it down.
You could go to vote without batton wielding bystanders, which is now legal.
Why do you think they call it "Progressive" progressively replaces a live free or die society with socialism.....

Perhaps not as eloquent as Progressive Charles....but since I'm just a babbler.......
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And just starting in 2001 (as in 911) this computer server could be choked with rights and freedoms we've lost.

As to TR, not too bad. Woodrow Wilson, father of the FED, an activist Supreme Court, etc, then FDR, best friend the Bolsheviks and Communists ever had, these were the origin of the downfall of a free America.

In my high school days I've gotten on the school bus many times with my Winchester 1889, then squirrel hunted on the way home along a ridgeline that ran from the school to our farm.
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Why don't you get some religion going in this thread... Wilbur has already been slapped in the face with politics, might as well have a kick in the gonads too ...
Old teddy was our first true progressive. Having toured Europe extensively with his parents early in life he got a taste for European socialism. He like many progressives following him believed that the Constitution was too restrictive on government.

I quote from another true provressive Woodrow Wilson from an essay he penned in 1887;
"For it is clear that in fundamental theory socialism and democracy are almost if not quite one and the same."

True the world changes but the precepts of freedom as laid out in the Declration of Independence and The Constitution do not. They have been greately maligned and subverted by the Progressive policies of sitting Justices on the Supreme Court over the years. Incidently they are appointed for life provided Good behavior [article III]. Is it good behavior for a sitting justice to travel to Egypt and declair that she does not believe in our Constitution as it was written? Is it good behavior for a sitting justice to declare that he takes into account foreign law when making decisions concerning our Constitution?

The people charged with governance in All three branches of government take an oath to protect and defend the Constitution as it was written not as they want it to be. Please refer to the arguments for and against the Constitution in the 85 Articles of the Federalist papers and the 55 or so articles of the Anti federalists.

Joe Henderson
Joe, there is a fair bit of truth to what you say. I choose to consider the word "progressives" for those try to adapt to the changing of the world. I don't like the term "socialism," because as the world has changed, the use of the word too has changed, to apply to a flushed-out set of beliefs that in my opinion, have failed.

There are many things we have had to adapt to, for good & ill, like flush toilets (good) and sewage (bad, or potentially so -- read Robert Heinlein, The Moon is a Harsh Mistress. BTW, Aside from mining sewage for the good stuff, I think you would like much of the novel, as I did. One of his possibilities was a government where one branch's job was to repeal laws, based on a simple majority vote. If a law is bad enough that half the people don't like should go. And we should seek those laws out & get rid of them, as a proper function of government.)

If you want to say "progressive" would turn out as bad, OK, but "ostridge" defines far too many conservatives. Some of us are still trying.

Edit: I'd note that the ability to read & write was an uncommon skill set in 1780 as well. We couldn't have an internet forum...)
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Charles: If you were an Illegal all of that would be taken care of for you, even though you paid for it all your working years. Thats the part that gets me, been working since I was 14, I should think that would count for something.They keep telling me Social security is an entitlement, then why did I pay into it all my working years, and people in the federal government didn't and still collect it. And the unions Charles, the part I didn't like was seniority it keep me down, but when I wouldn't help without getting paid the same rate, I was the bad guy not a team player! But I could Babble for ever on this stuff!

Joe Salt
Charles how about we just call them Liars and cheats. I still want to have a law in place that would let us just fire them! we have to wait 4 years while they rape and pillage. and don't say there not, there asking you to bend over just a little further every year.They should all be in jail for treason!

Joe salt
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