Some up to date info on an old barrel cleaning product


Senile Member
Several years ago there was a well liked product J-B Compound and had Jim Brobot (sp) signature on the label. It was made by U S Products and sold by a well known gunsmiths supply house. Later this products formula changed and was just labeled J-B. Still later U S Products came out with a bore cleaner under their own label, USP.

IMO, the very first formulation seemed to work best. I have found the source for that original cleaner and guess what, it is U S Products. The "original formula" (their words) is now available from them direct and from some other shooting supply houses. It is now packaged in a tube instead of a tub called USP Bore Paste. For shooters who are out, or about out of the original go to

And guess what again, another old bore cleaner, Gold Medallion, which was made by USP is now still made by USP but is now sold by Remington under the label 40X Bore Cleaner.
Thanks Jerry,
I never tried the USP bore paste but being as I'm a JB user it's nice to know that there is another product that is the same product as JB used to be ? ? ?
Kinda like asking directions in a strange small town " Well,ya go down this road past the big hay field,then ya make a left where the old donut shop used to be before they tore it down,that'll take ya past the widow Hawkin's place on the right but ya can't see it from the road 'cause the brush is too high,then you'll hit a T, well it's not really a T,it's more like a right with a driveway on the left,don't go left cause it's real muddy in there and you'll stick yer van for shure,so stay right and the rifle range you're lookin' for is down that way a little bit ".
before someone gave me a gps( out of sympathy) I ended up on the wrong side of the mountain looking for Fairchance, some guy on his roof set me straight. Then there was the shirtless guy on his lawn tractor that helped me find Kane.It took me four years to figure out how to get to Camillus without gettin lost ! I just get off into the music and scenery while I'm drivin down the road. Now Canastota, I can handle, Thruway---thataway-- get off Canastota---make a right--- make your first left ! Set flags, make coffee.