Small Rifle Match Primer question

quando omni flunkis moratati: When all ealse fails play dead

Dear Dave and Bill, I shall answer one question and ask another. You asked how I answered the call of nature disguised both as a matronly, cellulite encased, 60ish, morbidly obese white women with garishly dyed orange hair and a 7 year old Pakistani tribal girl. The white woman was easy. No one from the most hardened terrorist to the village idiots used on land mine clearance detail would look at me. Most would actively avoid me during this time. The answer to the 7 year old was that I didn't for the two weeks I was there. Do you have any idea what that was like in a land where parasites can leap five feet through the air from a toilet seat? You don't want to know. Now here is my question directed to Dave: what does "Only 25 minutes until red green" mean? Tim
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Dear Dave and Bill, I shall answer one question and ask another. You asked how I answered the call of nature disguised both as a matronly, cellulite encased, 60ish, morbidly obese white women with garishly dyed orange hair and a 7 year old Pakistani tribal girl. The white woman was easy. No one from the most hardened terrorist to the village idiots used on land mine clearance detail would look at me. Most would actively avoid me during this time. The answer to the 7 year old was that I didn't for the two weeks I was there. Do you have any idea what that was like in a land where parasites can leap five feet through the air from a toilet seat? You don't want to know. Now here is my question directed to Dave: what does "Only 25 minutes until green onion" mean? Tim

You are in the same universe with me when you gave the answer:"When all else fails play dead."

You would fill Ed Mc Mahohn's shoes in a heartbeat!!! Good shootin in South Africa.

Right on Al.

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