single most important verdict this century

Unbelievable! As with other things, we disagree.

I am so very glad that you're FINALLY realizing this instead of believing that "I'm sure if we were setting face-to-face over a beer we'd be friends" and inviting me to "stop by when in hotlanta".......

'Specially lucky for me cuz

I don't drink :)
BTW Hunter, please believe that it really IS important to me that you be able to clearly formulate your disagreement and devil-be-dammed not waste your time worrying about "what the neighbors will think" .... I just wish you would (could) support your arguments (feelings)

There are a pile of others waiting in the wings.... folks ON YOUR SIDE ...... just itching to jump in with both feet and stomp on ol' alinwa over this.... if they could.....Folks who just HATE my least you overcame and voiced your "Unbelievable!" and thereby made your opinion public.


Now if you'll just step up and tell the folks where they can learn about the really important firearms-related rulings of the last century, the ones YOU feel are seminal..... 'haps we may all learn summ'at.

BTW Hunter, please believe that it really IS important to me that you be able to clearly formulate your disagreement and devil-be-dammed not waste your time worrying about "what the neighbors will think" .... I just wish you would (could) support your arguments (feelings)

There are a pile of others waiting in the wings.... folks ON YOUR SIDE ...... just itching to jump in with both feet and stomp on ol' alinwa over this.... if they could.....Folks who just HATE my least you overcame and voiced your "Unbelievable!" and thereby made your opinion public.


Now if you'll just step up and tell the folks where they can learn about the really important firearms-related rulings of the last century, the ones YOU feel are seminal..... 'haps we may all learn summ'at.


If you believe a jury verdict is bigger than Heller, as it relates to gun ownership, you're beyond my ability to help.
So.... Hunter..... I'll support my side since you did bring up one case.

Rittenhouse decision VS Heller decision, implications.


in which there was an unconstitutional ruling made by (The Party I Don't Vote For) back in 1975 (FCRA of '75) which banned folks from carrying guns legally. We Conservative Constitutionalists all KNEW it was illegal, we all said it was illegal, but we didn't have the wherewithal to bring it to court and furthermore were considered to be wakkjobs by folks like yourownself.

Meantime, the rioters in the streets funded by (TPIDVF) were completely unaware..... there were no/NADA/Zero social implications and no/NADA/Zero chances of news coverage, just a cop with some money, a court case and a sense of jubilation felt among gun owners to see an illegal restriction lifted

2 yrs later DC scrambled together a new mish-mash of amendments which were in some ways MORE restrictive and

After it was all over Dick Heller STILL is prohibited from carrying a 1911 or a Hellcat nor even a little pocket 380

WE GAINED VERY LITTLE, just made DC enact more laws "to cure the constitutional defects" missed in the 1975 rulings

(((Just so's you'se understand what "no implications" means.... there WAS NOT a crowd of looters and thugs (funded by TPIDVF) waiting to pounce when the verdict was announced)))

Heller was a RIPPLE in the pond.



well, 'Rittenhouse' is fresh enough that even folks like yourself see some of the more vivid implications...... although very few of you have figured out that the only reason we don't have cities burning all acros't the northern tier is because it's TOO COLD outside for the rioters to rumble. If it were hot summer nights we'd have line-of-sight flames from Portland to Portland.
not at this level.
appeals that are affirmed up the chain would be come "precedent" i believe.

Politics aside....Is there a legal precedent established following a trial court verdict? Guilty or not guilty verdicts are based on evidence or lack thereof and 12 members of your peers. Every trial is different. The only take away I see from this Verdict is that If you find yourself in a Jam,Hire the best lawyer you can afford.:D

The attitude in this country is much different now than when Heller took place.

Maybe things will change.
Hellar vs DC

District Of Columbia v Heller

On June 26,2008 The Supreme Court affirmed 5 to 4 , 554 U.S. 570, District Of Columbia v Heller. This case became binding precedent in all courts in the US. Much has been written on the Hellar vs DC decision and its impact on 2nd amendment Rights. When I am sheltering in place, I sometimes hit the google search button and appease myself,with the legal jargon contained in Hellar vs DC .Sometimes I even convince myself that I understand what Im reading.

The question was posed,”What have we gained from Hellar vs DC”. The question should not be what have we gained? but what will we gain.

The important take away is that Heller vs DC is case Law.

The Hellar decision can be used in any court in the US to defend and protect the right to bear arms. All you need to defend that right is a Lawyer who knows how to effectively use this important tool.

In the Rittenhouse trial the defendant was acquitted on all charges. by 12 peers.
Spin it anyway you want. there is no legal precedent established. The prosecution simply failed to prove its case.

Acquittals are not appealed.

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District Of Columbia v Heller

On June 26,2008 The Supreme Court affirmed 5 to 4 , 554 U.S. 570, District Of Columbia v Heller. This case became binding precedent in all courts in the US. Much has been written on the Hellar vs DC decision and its impact on 2nd amendment Rights. When I am sheltering in place, I sometimes hit the google search button and appease myself,with the legal jargon contained in Hellar vs DC .Sometimes I even convince myself that I understand what Im reading.

The question was posed,”What have we gained from Hellar vs DC”. The question should not be what have we gained? but what will we gain.

The important take away is that Heller vs DC is case Law.

The Hellar decision can be used in any court in the US to defend and protect the right to bear arms. All you need to defend that right is a Lawyer who knows how to effectively use this important tool.

In the Rittenhouse trial the defendant was acquitted on all charges. by 12 peers.
Spin it anyway you want. there is no legal precedent established. The prosecution simply failed to prove its case.

Acquittals are not appealed.


I would mostly agree with Glenn. The Rittenhouse case was one judge, one prosecutor and one local jury. With the way this country is now it will soon be forgotten by most people. This is turning into a short memory and a short sighted country.
I am glad and surprised there was one jury and one judge that got something right.
I guess

And then there's nadler who says the DOJ should look into the verdict.

juries aren't to be trusted to give the progressives the verdicts they want. To hell with justice, the facts and the law, but we have seen that time and time again over the last year and a half as too many cities were left to burn by the FD"s.
District Of Columbia v Heller

On June 26,2008 The Supreme Court affirmed 5 to 4 , 554 U.S. 570, District Of Columbia v Heller. This case became binding precedent in all courts in the US. Much has been written on the Hellar vs DC decision and its impact on 2nd amendment Rights. When I am sheltering in place, I sometimes hit the google search button and appease myself,with the legal jargon contained in Hellar vs DC .Sometimes I even convince myself that I understand what Im reading.

The question was posed,”What have we gained from Hellar vs DC”. The question should not be what have we gained? but what will we gain.

The important take away is that Heller vs DC is case Law.

The Hellar decision can be used in any court in the US to defend and protect the right to bear arms. All you need to defend that right is a Lawyer who knows how to effectively use this important tool.

In the Rittenhouse trial the defendant was acquitted on all charges. by 12 peers.
Spin it anyway you want. there is no legal precedent established. The prosecution simply failed to prove its case.

Acquittals are not appealed.


I agree with this assessment..... the Heller case is important in that by setting a precedent there have been over 80 similar cases opened since the Heller Decision. This will affect thousands of people, mostly gun owners.

BUT..... in the public eye, on the world stage and in todays political environment I'm going to stand that the Rittenhouse verdict is more important. It sent the biggest, the loudest message I've ever been party to, the message being "Deadly Force By A Citizen Is An Option"

In the exact same way that eliminating "Concealed Carry Permits" and "Gun Free Zones" will send a clear message.... IS sending a clear message in many places...... and that message is "Be Aware, You Start Something Unlawful And You May Be Killed"

This Rittenhouse incident IMO sent a message to millions, tens of millions here and around the world that not all Americans are ready to roll over.
I will admit though to an absolute personal bias......I AM AN AMERICAN!!!

And I LOVE kids...... got a whole passel myself and open my property to kids 24-7

My entire yard and half of the shooting range was yardapes just yesterday..... I walked down to the shop and heard from the woods "Old Man passing, no crossover fire!" ....... turns out there was a 10-acre paintball war on just cuz Cousin Gordon was home on leave from the Air Force....

That image of Kyle bouncing down the street scared spitless having trouble keeping both feets under him made me feel like Wuhh'Bamma feels about Trayvon Martin..... "That kid could be one a' mine"

BUT..... in the public eye, on the world stage and in todays political environment I'm going to stand that the Rittenhouse verdict is more important. It sent the biggest, the loudest message I've ever been party to, the message being "Deadly Force By A Citizen Is An Option/QUOTE]

As for me,the message is no louder than the message in the George Zimmerman case and many other self defense acquittal cases through the years. Pick a case.

All living things prioritize their own survival above all else and will do what is necessary to stay alive.

This Jury agreed with the Kids decision to use deadly force to defend himself. The Justice system worked.
I just hope that none of my Grand kids ever have to take another persons life.
I know what the aftermath affects are.

All living things prioritize their own survival above all else and will do what is necessary to stay alive.

I find it interesting that this seems to be changing.....

I don't find Gaige Grosskreutz to fit that profile, nor the other two fellows who chased Kyle.....

In fact, I see a generation of young men who's self image is so low that they're willing to die searching for something to live for.

I spend a lot of time teaching kids that life's worth living.
All living things prioritize their own survival above all else and will do what is necessary to stay alive.

I find it interesting that this seems to be changing.....

I don't find Gaige Grosskreutz to fit that profile, nor the other two fellows who chased Kyle.....

In fact, I see a generation of young men who's self image is so low that they're willing to die searching for something to live for.

I spend a lot of time teaching kids that life's worth living.

That quote would not be true were it not for the losers. Im here today because two other guys lost.

I find a generation of parents who lack parenting skills.


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Not To Mention

That quote would not be true were it not for the losers. Im here today because two other guys lost.

I find a generation of parents who lack parenting skills.



A permissive societal trajectory that has resulted in a proliferation of violent movies, games and attitudes. Single parents that never should have had kids. Drugs and a message that whatever you do "its somebody else's fault." All of which is sheer BS, but the human nature in many will let them devolve into the least acceptable level, dependent on handouts from the hardworking element of society. Not so much handouts, as the printing of fiat money that eventually will create massive inflation and another major recession or two. Creating money by fiat is a hidden tax on us all as it does nothing but drive prices higher and really harms folks on fixed incomes who never anticipated such irrational, reckless behavior by our elected officials...socialist dems and republicans too. What is their end game but to enrich themselves? Will we survive it? I don't know!!
I'd encourage everyone to watch last evenings interview of him by Tucker Carlson. -Al

I don't have a problem with the verdict, but I'm not interested in hearing anything the young man has to say. Placing himself in that situation speaks volume to me.