Silencers in 600/1000 yd BenchRest



Howdy .... I'm New to Long Range BenchRest (1000yd) ,Having shot only 1 season at our local Club . But I do have a couple ?? , if you all could answer .
As I understand it these devices do reduce recoil and the lack of noise /concussion would definitely be of benefit in shooting ...I really don't even know If they are allowed in competition ,although I don't see why they wouldn't be allowed .
I know as I read threw the Equipment lists , these are not used .... But I wonder if its the Cost of the Units ,the registration etc...
I wonder if any of you have try'd these , and found they Just don't work. Like I said , I'm new and I haven't found much either way on these devices , pro or con ... Can any of you help .

I run an Egg Shoot in Roanoke VA. I had some guys shooting 300 RUM with Silencers. They shot very well, hitting eggs at 500yds. So they will work, but the cost would be a factor, and the permits cost.

Mark Schronce
They work but are not legal in some states.Right now we are hosting the NBRSA 1,000 Yard Nationals in Sacramento and they are not allowed here even with the $200 stamp tax.
Stupidly, the NRA considers a silencer (moderator to the rest of the world) to be a muzzle break and thus is illegal for competion.

I think they are creatively interpreting this rule to be politically correct as they feel shooters using silencers would lable the competition as a S N I P E R match.

Sometimes they are our worst enemy it seems.
I'm wanting to try an AAC SCAR-H suppressor on one of my straight 284s - once the ATF gets around to approving my tax stamp application. The rifle I want to try it on currently has a Vias brake on its 28" bbl., as I've found that the McMillan A5's adjustable cheekpiece isn't compatable with the shape of my face. The first time I shot this rifle in a 3x1000 prone match (75rds of warm S175MK & Berger 180s), it left the right side of my jaw numb for about a week. With the Vias installed, I can shoot the rifle practically all day without any discomfort. So, I'm hoping that the suppressor will have enough brake effect to replace the Vias without a significant recoil increase penalty.
Love at first shot

You will LOVE your moderator. Two yesrs ago I finally broke down and bought a 22 RF silencer. Now I wish I ahd done this years ago. What fun and SO quiet. We shoot RF silhouette and the lowdest thing you hear is the bullet hitting the steel animal target.

That's a pretty good common-sense approach IMHO. We've shot several LR practical/tactical matches down at the Hutch range over the past year, which have attracted some of the guys who shoot tactical & 3-gun IPSC-type matches. One of them is shooting a 308 I built for him with an AAC suppressor, and no one minds being sqadded next to him & his rifle under the cover on the 600yd. firing line. Of course in the pits, his bullets crack just as loud as everyone else's; the only difference is there's no delayed 'thump' of a muzzle report following the bullet's arrival.

Isn't it odd that, in Europe, where suppressors are more commonplace, you're considered a bad neighbor if you shoot on your property without one? This is just another example of how Hollywood has done U.S. shooters a great disservice by associating suppressors with crime.
Thanks ...

Thanks to all ,who have responded ...
The reason , I have posted this ... Is that I am building a new Project for next season .. Upgrading if you will .
Last season ,I shot a Modified Savage Striker Pistol at our local club ... although it shot OK , I spent all season ,learning ,shooting ,modifying this Pistol .
As much as I experimented , I wasn't satisfied with the results .My lack of Experience in reading the wind and bench techniques was a major frustration. The Pistols problems revolved around the trigger assembly and tracking in the bags .Although these improved through out the season , I found myself wanting better ...
Now I understand , my experience is far from whats necessary for this , I have decided to spend some $$ and use better equipment for this next season .
The New Pistol ,A Lawton 7500 action has been ordered , a 8 twist , 6x47 Lapua will be chambered and a Jewel trigger added.this will be stocked in a Mcree adjustable Aluminum stock set at 16 pounds.
I plan on shooting 600/1000yds and F-Class ....It should be a very fun season .
I figured anything that might help me shoot with the Rifles would be worth looking into......

thanks Again
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