Shooting sequins at 50 yards with a 22 LR



I go to Bayou Rifles (Houston) every month on the third Sunday for smallbore benchrest shooting (22LR). We shoot three regulation benchrest targets then we have been having an aspirin shoot. The aspirin shoot works as follows; you pay a $5 entry fee and the target you shoot at is a regulation benchrest target but it has ten aspirins glued to it. Sort of drug abuse I guess. You get ten minutes and ten shots to hit the aspirins, no warm up or sighting shots. When the shootin is done you get $1 for each aspirin you hit. My record was 7 up till this Sunday. This time we shot sequins off the targets and the same rules applied. It was raining a little and the targets were wet so I am not sure I got 8 or not but they credited me with that many. I shot this target through a video camera mounted on my scope and uploaded the video to youtube. I will put a link below and you can see if you think I hit 8 or not.

The rifle is a special made for benchrest shooting by Evelio McDonald in Houston. It has a Shilen barrel, weaver T36 scope, a Harris action, a tuner that I don't know the manufacturer of just now and a very nice stock. Here are pictures of the rifle.
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My observations: 7 Hits, You need to grease your rest. Never heard of a Harris action - looks like a Hall. The Tuner is a Harrell's with added weight.
Real Interesting!!

I'm will Bill B. on that to, need to oil the rest. It do look just like a Hall action to? But it's one good looking rifle for sure!!!
That is

one of the neatest shooting videos I have seen. Great job on the video. My buddy sent me pics of your camera set up. VERY simple to throw together. I just may have to make a set up.

I sit next to this rifle during most matches. It's stunning. And it's color coordinated with his video camera!
sequin shooting

Oy Mate,

Nice video and nice shooting. How about posting pics of your camera set up? I would like to be able to do some of this also. I suspect that some of the jerky movement was when he was loading the weapon. Looks like you took out 7 completely but may have gotten credit for #8 by just brushing the edge of the upper left sequin? Looks like fun.
