Seymour results

Butch Lambert

Active member
Looks like Larry Baggett won the HV grand and Jay Lynn Gore snuck in and won the 2 gun. Jay Lynn is hot. He pulled it out after shooting an 1.600 in the 200HV. I believe Jackie may have been 2nd. in the 2 gun. Great shooting guys.
Seymour, some like it hot

Jackie won second place. Seymour, which holds the record hot temperature for Texas (120 F) lived up to its reputation with a 105.5 high in the loading area and cross winds (measured at the firing line) 17mph gusting up to 22. Humidity was 60-27% varying between morning and afternoon. David Williams shot an astonishing .167 10 shot group in that mess at 100 yards. Most others shot groups resembling the asteroid belt. Pretty soon the similes started flying comparing groups to planetary systems: the earth and the moon and the sun and Pluto were favorites. Several in the 200 yard HV shot deep into interstellar space on the edge of the target. Some shots came too close to black holes and were sucked outside the line bordering the record target. It was the benchrest equivalent of the big bang especially if you took off your ear muffs too soon.
More Results from Seymour


Unlimited 10 Shot 100 yards

1. Kelly Morman .2834
2. Gary Walters .2898
3. David Williams .2902
4. Jay Lynn Gore .3008
5. Butch Fjoser .3064

Unlimited 10 Shot 200 yards

1. Jackie Schmidt .3736
2. Jay Lynn Gore .4492
3. Charles Huckeba .4567
4. Tim Oltersdorf .4794
5. David Williams .5574

Unlimited Grand

1. Jackie Schmidt .3448
2. Jay Lynn Gore .3750
3. Tim Oltersdorf .3984
4. Charles Huckeba .4214
5. Kelly Morman .4220


Heavy Varmint 5 Shot 100 yards

1. John Horn .2238
2. Richard Futch .2402
3. Larry Baggett .2428
4. Gary Walters .2502
5. Mike Cordes .2548

Heavy Varmint 5 Shot 200 yard

1. Larry Baggett .3385
2. Charles Huckeba .3626
3. Butch Fjoser .3813
4. John Horn .3923
5. Jay Lynn Gore .4191

Heavy Varmint Grand

1. Larry Baggett .2907
2. John Horn .3081
3. Charles Huckeba .3105
4. Gary Walters .3388
5. Wade Hull .3453

2-Gun Final Results

1. Jay Lynn Gore .3610
2. Jackie Schmidt .3629
3. Charles Huckeba .3659
4. John Horn .3913
5. Tim Oltersdorf .3951

Shilen Barrels folks prepared a very tasty fish dinner Friday night for everyone. Thanks so much for a great meal.

Saturday night everyone enjoyed a very delicious steak dinner at the Ranger Creek Ranch near Seymour.

My temp guage in my truck registered 111 degrees when I left for home. Was only about 105+ in the shade.

Thanks go out to the Seymour Gang for a well run match. I think everyone had a great time..................GW
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Congrats Larry, Jay Lynn, Jackie and all who shot well in some tough conditions! Also thanks Butch and Tim for the color commentary! I can relate to groups that look like the “asteroid belt”! :D

Rick Graham
A Few Photos at Seymour

Jackie & Jay Lynn Gore

Jay Lynn & John Horn

Jackie's Grandaughter
More Photos at Seymour

Larry Baggett (Center) Dr. Tim (Right) Ronnie Cheek (Left)

Wade Hull of Shilen Rifle Barrels

David Williams (Right) Scott Hunter (Center) John Horn (Left)
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More Photos at Seymour

Butch Fjoser from OK

Kelly Morman
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Great photos and Kudos to all...

These would be great if they were posted on the NBRSA website with the complete results and equipment list...
It is nice to see all the info at the IBS website...;)
Congrats To Jay Lynn

Well, ole Friend, what can I say. You are one tough man to beat.
Congratulations on a hard fought win.
Also, congratulations to winners John Horn, Kelly Morman, and Larry Bagget, and all of the others who braved the 100+ heat and tough conditions.
Had a great time..........jackie
T. Boone Pickens

Says in his most recent TV commercial that the USA has been blessed
with the best "WIND" corridor in the world. Where is that you say???:rolleyes:

Its location is on the south side of Seymour, Texas!!!

The last two matches held there were as Jackie would say "BRUTAL"
wind conditions!!!

Congrats to Jay Lynn on his well deserved victory and all the
Gulf Coast big hitters were all in attendance.....:D
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These would be great if they were posted on the NBRSA website with the complete results and equipment list...
It is nice to see all the info at the IBS website...;)

I like your idea, but I do not know how to go about doing what you suggest. Maybe Wilber can assist. Thanks for your input........GW
It was an enjoyable weekend, congrats to all that did well, thanks for the kind and encouraging words.
Gary Walters

Gary, Wilbur says the Regional Director has to put the data into the website.?

"Each regional director has the instructions to add content to the website. Please give them a call. Match results and regional specific items would be welcome as the site was designed with that in mind. All for one instead of one for all....if you will."

Now if someone with the data will followup...we can see it on the official website..:)