Seven days in Utopia....?



I knew it was going to happen sooner or later...I just knew Hollywood couldn't ignore the Texas Benchrest shooters forever...I felt that there was a strong exciting drama that would make a great movie with all the twists and turns of a Hitchcock thriller...Yep it is finally here "Seven Days in Utopia" I believe this will be an epic movie that will combine those such as "Big Country" and "The Shootist" ...I just haven't figured out if Robert Duvall is Sam or Joe Duke...:confused:
I will probably have to see this movie several time to recognize all of the characters...!...:p:p:cool:

check out this link

Eddie in Texas

I still am trying to find the link between Golf and Benchrest...those Hollywood writers can really screw up a true story...:D
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Eddie, I haven't seen the movie, but I understand it is about golf. Though we neither one play golf, the object of the game is to hit a ball with a piece of flat bar welded to a piece of pipe about 400 yards and put it into a hole. We use a piece of pipe to move a 3000 fps object to put a hole in a golf ball at 400 yards. Now I don't know what Hollywood would do with that, but if Utopia was in Hazard county, the plot might fit better, especially if Robert Duval was playing the part of the game warden in hot pursuit of the Duke boys.

Sam Duke
I grew up in Hondo and spent far too much time in Utopia as a youth. Why anyone would be willing to spend seven days in Utopia is...well...Wait! I got it! It's mystery movie, right?
I know what you mean benenglish. I live in Hondo and tried many times to find Utopia. I heard there was suppose to be a range there or something. I kept driving up and down the road but couldnt find it. Finally I stopped one day just to look around and there it was.... found out I kept blinking as I went through...
Now if I could just figure out where that range was I might not have to drive all the way to Dietz in New Braunfels just to practice for matches.

Ever tried going to a range that does not have any BR shooters and start setting up flags.
First you have to convince the range officer to let you do it.
Second you have about 2 dozen guys want to know what your doing
Third you have twice as many guys trying to tell you that the wind cant affect that super fast little boooolit.......
Finally you have some that seem to think the balls on the flags are some sort of new fangled target practice at moving targets.....

I watched the trailer,,,,, BR can be just as frustrating. I wounder if it would help my BR game?
Now I gotta just try not to blink when I drive through.
Granted, Utopia might seem a bit small for someone from the great metropolis of Hondo but finding the aforementioned range would just make you guilty of trespass as it is a private range on private land. :>)

I live in Hondo and tried many times to find Utopia. I heard there was suppose to be a range there or something. I kept driving up and down the road but couldnt find it. Finally I stopped one day just to look around and there it was.... found out I kept blinking as I went through...
Now if I could just figure out where that range was I might not have to drive all the way to Dietz in New Braunfels just to practice for matches.

I was fortunate enough to get a private tour of the famed Utopia range last weekend and I can attest it exists and has 6 rock solid benches with target frames out to 4 or 500 yards.

I hear ya! I took my rail gun and flags out to our local range and it was like showing them a moon rock! what the heck is that thing and why does it need all those knobs! Like you said the flags are a complete mystery to them! Then you get the guys that say well anybody could shoot one of them there things and shoot little tiny groups! As for the Golf well I am addicted to golf and I can honestly say that I never toss out as much cursing as when I play a round of golf, never has there been a more frustrating game! Heres one more observation The number of lost golf balls is a lot cheaper to replace than the lost boolitts! lol
Then you get the guys that say well anybody could shoot one of them there things and shoot little tiny groups!

And that's why I have a range in my yard! ;) I got tired of "how is that even a challenge? ANYONE could shoot 'em all in one hole with that automatic rig...."
You are a fortunate guy to have a range that on any given day you can walk out you door and shoot whatever you want!Al are you shooting Short range BR or Long Range BR?
About ten years ago I had a Dozer doing some work close to the house and ask for a mound of dirt to be made . I have a 25-50-100 and 200 yard range now with benches . It,s 125 feet from my back door to the 100 yard bench and 15 feet from my loading room . It,s is nice my wife can call me to lunch and I just get up and leave everything as is untill after lunch/nap .

You are a fortunate guy to have a range that on any given day you can walk out you door and shoot whatever you want!Al are you shooting Short range BR or Long Range BR?

I've only shot medium range BR down at Tri-County when they were NBRSA matches. Currently my options are short range up near Seattle (3hrs) and both in Tri-Cities WA (5hrs) which hasn't worked out. Gettin' closer though! My youngest is already 3yrs old, he'll be moving out soon :)
I was thinking about going up to Wenatachee for one of their HBR Matches, I am definately going to Tacoma this year for their 3 day rail gun shoot! Hopefully I get to shoot more this year! Last year 1 match I attended cost me about 6 grand when my Disel Truck blew its top end! So that hit ended my season early! Anyway hope to get to meet you sometime at one of the north west shoots.