Server goofed up!


cook and bottle washer
We've got a bit of a problem with the server. It seems that some folks got in an unlocked door and are using this server to attack other servers. As always, I don't understand what I know about this but working on it. The server provider turned the server off this morning and with some pleading (hasn't come to folding money yet) they turned us back on with a deadline.

While working on the problem, I'm going to do a clean install of this forum software, upgrade the link program, and some other stuff too scary to mention. It's an old site with old files. I probably should just let go and start fresh but alas I'm a pckrat by nature.

All that to say this - The look and feel of the forum may be interrupted momentarily as we try to fix the "intrusion". Additionally, the links on the home page may not function for a while.

Thanks for any patience you may have,
I believe that this isn't the first server that's been compromised. Another I access had a number of issues of apparently Russian origin.

Comes to that, I got a couple of hundred bounced emails a week or so ago from Scandanavian IPSs. Seems some lowlife had either spoofed my username or cracked my password at the ISP. From the plethora of names of the Ima Screamer type, I gather they weren't offering meds to the post out list.

Anyway, three changes of password over a couple of hours later, I seem to be OK again.