Selective Journalism


Jerry Adams
The events in Mckinney have been all over the local and national news and TV. All kind of people have been condemning the officer. However something occurred a couple of months ago that might as well have happened on the back side of the moon as far as national news coverage is concerned.

On April 22, Baltimore resident Richard Fletcher looked out his window and saw two teenage girls fighting — on top of his car. He went outside to ask them to take the fight elsewhere, and was then jumped by approximately 50 “teens” and beaten within an inch of his life. The attackers crushed his eye sockets and broke his nose, as well as several ribs. 61-year-old Fletcher is now out of the hospital but facing medical bills of “$200,000 to 400,000.”

The Daily Mail reports that the teens kicked Fletcher until he fell to the ground and then continued to beat him once he was down. Police have since arrested 17-year-old Antoine Lawson, a 15-year-old girl, and three others in connection with the beating “and are hoping to bring all of the teens, who are believed to be students at Baltimore Community High School, that participated in the beating to justice.”

Lawson was charged with attempted murder.
CBS Baltimore reports the Fletcher also suffered a “brain bleed” from the beating.
Baltimore County Police Cpl. John Wachter said: “He was brutally attacked. He wasn’t trying to intervene in their disagreement. He just wanted them to stop fighting and move away from his car.”


Bet you didn't see anything about this on the national news.

The inmates are running the asylum.

I suspect in a few years, we will see many of these same young people incarcerated for what ever mayhem they inflict upon the community. After all, when you have a Mayor, a State Prosecutor, various "community leaders", and even a President telling them that they can pretty much do as they please, this is what you get.
Selective Journalism?

That’s a disturbing story Jerry. My sympathy go out to the victim of such a senseless act. I am confident that the perpetrator(S) will be prosecuted to the fullest extent of the Law.

Journalism has been selective since day one. It’s a Business, run by people who’s sole objective is to make money. They get to choose what they feel are the hot stories for the day. Its all about ratings. As you know, we live in a Country where crimes against people is a common occurrence. These type stories happen everyday in some community in this nation,involving all races. There is no ethical requirement for the News Media to report what we feel deserves their attention.

The people who are tasked with the responsibility of protecting us and our communities from these atrocities is Law Enforcement.

In recent months, Media focus has been on Law Enforcement and how individual Officers perform their duties. It appears that the Media is on a mission to expose every incident involving a Police Officer where use of force is involved. Perhaps because the POTUS has voiced his opinion on the subject.

The PIO ,at my former job , was responsible for picking the News releases. The articles always benefitted the organization. Just the way it is.
Glen, it's been a while, but I remember meeting with you and talking with you and I know you are a good person. Years ago I did some soul searching as to whether I harbored prejudice to black people. Starting with my college years and the ensuing 23 year career in the Air Force I worked with many blacks where I soon forgot about their skin color. If it came up at all, it was usually a matter of identification, Oh you're looking for John, he's the black guy over on the left side of the bar. So, as I examined my feelings of angst about many blacks it soon came to me that the difference was attitude and behavior. In my college days, Air Force career and subsequent careers, I worked with many blacks and race was never an issue. That was because we were all trying to do the best we could and make a success of our lives for us and our families. Our attitudes and behavior were in tune and sympathetic. I miss those days. As much as I dislike Eric Holder, I think he was right when he said that we were a nation of cowards when it came to discussing race. But not ,maybe, for the reason he thought. It's hard to have a fruitful discussion about race when you're a white person and are labeled as a black hating racist if you say anything negative about a black. We're not going to get anywhere if that continues. I am really scared, because I sense that there's blood in the water, and the immediate future is dire.
Glen, it's been a while, but I remember meeting with you and talking with you and I know you are a good person. As much as I dislike Eric Holder, I think he was right when he said that we were a nation of cowards when it came to discussing race. But not ,maybe, for the reason he thought. It's hard to have a fruitful discussion about race when you're a white person and are labeled as a black hating racist if you say anything negative about a black. We're not going to get anywhere if that continues. I am really scared, because I sense that there's blood in the water, and the immediate future is dire.

What are you afraid of Jerry? Harboring fears because of the actions of a few idiots, in my opinion, is way over the top. Most People are good people. That includes the two Black people that raised me. Criminals come in all colors/races.

We will get somewhere when we start judging people on the basis of character and not race. We can have a fruitful discussion anytime you feel like it. Invite me to your next group Session, I will let you borrow my Richard Pryor Tape.:D

OH BTW. A Glock 9mm does a wonderful job of fear reduction and Thanks for the compliment.

Law and Order....Says who?

My opinion...
We are a country governed by Laws. When these laws are ignored, it is up to the President to speak to the Nation in support of the police who risk their lives to protect us all. Unfortunately the younger generations have learned to disrespect the police who try to maintain Order during difficult situations. Local government caved. Our President has failed to support the police and this failure is copied all the way down to local government. The result is frightening! The effort needed to correct this lawlessness is now far greater than one realizes. Our President travels about the country making non-sensical speeches instead of using the power of his office to LEAD.

Taking into account all that has been said in the above posts, we each must use our Right To Vote for every level of government to re-establish the RESPECT due our police. IF YOU DON"T VOTE, DON'T COMPLAIN.

Glenn, my son-in-law got me a Glock 42 for Christmas and we also bought His and His S&W Shield 9mms. However my Springfield XDs in .45acp is very nice also. I seem to remember that you were at Tom Titcomb's garage on Belknap St in Haltom City some years ago. I think that was when Shelly Davidson was still alive. Really miss that benchrest shooting bee keeper. Anyway, you certainly don't need an invitation. You have a standing invitation to come anytime. I won't be there next friday as I'll be at Raton trying to get those bullets together in the same hole.

As to what I'm afraid of is escalation. These group of teens that were rioting and looting in Baltimore and participated in this beat down, communicate swiftly through their cell phones and twitter. Doesn't take but a few minutes to get a mob assembled. Now imagine if some armed bystander came upon the scene of Richard Fletcher being beaten and shot a couple of the teens doing the beating. That's all she wrote folks.

What are you afraid of Jerry? Harboring fears because of the actions of a few idiots, in my opinion, is way over the top. Most People are good people. That includes the two Black people that raised me. Criminals come in all colors/races.

We will get somewhere when we start judging people on the basis of character and not race. We can have a fruitful discussion anytime you feel like it. Invite me to your next group Session, I will let you borrow my Richard Pryor Tape.:D

OH BTW. A Glock 9mm does a wonderful job of fear reduction and Thanks for the compliment.

Like many, I was and still am offended by Holder's remark about our willingness to discuss race. The real situation is that for many years it has been true that anyone who said anything that was not PC on the subject, even if it was completely, and verifiability true, would be branded a bigot and racist. When Holder took office I had high hopes for his success. As it has turned out, he came to the job with serious issues that were a distraction from his duties. If he wanted to be the next Martin Luther King Jr. (something that his actions seem to have proven him incapable of) he should have understood that the office of the Attorney General of the United States is not the proper position from which to pursue that goal. Most of us are quite willing to discuss issues of race privately, but are not so foolish as to expose ourselves to slander and defamation by doing so where the audience is not known. The media feasts on and profits from inflammatory posturing on serious issues, and nothing good comes from it except to their bottom lines.
He was a friend of Tom's and was part of the group that met for breakfast weekly. Keith lived in the HEB area and had a gunsmithing shop at his house. I think he quit BR shooting in the middle 90s.

I vividly remember the lunch meetings with you guys. I was there two times. It was a great opportunity to get acquainted. Is the Police Officer still hanging out with y’all? He knew some people I used to work with.

Shelley was a master tinkerer and a hell of nice guy. He had planned to teach me how to chamber barrels on his Lathe, before he passed away. I miss him also.

Jerry,as you know, Violence is a universal feature of all complex societies. Not much we can do about that reality. Fear is a normal reaction to violence. I learned this in sociology Class . Fear can be a good thing. It helps us prepare for the unexpected.

Do me a favor,before you go out and buy up all the ammo,give me a call,I want to go with you.:D

I am openly a racist.There exists a Race of people that I have no use for.They come in all colours and backgrounds.So, It has nothing to do with the colour of your skin or what your ethnic background is BUT if you are a lazy bum , just want to leach of society, have NO RESPECT FOR THE LAW and in general have a bad attitude then I have no respect for you.
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Glenn, yes the police officer us still quite active in the group. I consider him the epitome of how a good cop should behave. He regales us with stories about dumb crooks that leave us laughing hysterically. As far as violence goes, I guess that with the mass media we have today that reports on violence near real -time it seems like an awful lot, I don't need to buy any ammo. I've got enough components. All I need to do is start cranking the handles of my Dillon presses. I've got two Dillon 550s, I'll run one and you can use the other.


I vividly remember the lunch meetings with you guys. I was there two times. It was a great opportunity to get acquainted. Is the Police Officer still hanging out with y’all? He knew some people I used to work with.

Shelley was a master tinkerer and a hell of nice guy. He had planned to teach me how to chamber barrels on his Lathe, before he passed away. I miss him also.

Jerry,as you know, Violence is a universal feature of all complex societies. Not much we can do about that reality. Fear is a normal reaction to violence. I learned this in sociology Class . Fear can be a good thing. It helps us prepare for the unexpected.

Do me a favor,before you go out and buy up all the ammo,give me a call,I want to go with you.:D

That’s a disturbing story Jerry. My sympathy go out to the victim of such a senseless act. I am confident that the perpetrator(S) will be prosecuted to the fullest extent of the Law.

Journalism has been selective since day one. It’s a Business, run by people who’s sole objective is to make money. They get to choose what they feel are the hot stories for the day. Its all about ratings. As you know, we live in a Country where crimes against people is a common occurrence. These type stories happen everyday in some community in this nation,involving all races. There is no ethical requirement for the News Media to report what we feel deserves their attention.

The people who are tasked with the responsibility of protecting us and our communities from these atrocities is Law Enforcement.

In recent months, Media focus has been on Law Enforcement and how individual Officers perform their duties. It appears that the Media is on a mission to expose every incident involving a Police Officer where use of force is involved. Perhaps because the POTUS has voiced his opinion on the subject.

The PIO ,at my former job , was responsible for picking the News releases. The articles always benefitted the organization. Just the way it is.

One thing I've noticed is that all these video clips show only what the news media is wanting to portray. Pretty easy to start a video at a particular spot and stop it at another particular spot. Everyone anymore has a video camera on them at all times nowadays and seem to be pretty adept at using it. Sad when law enforcement needs to have their own video camera going at all times when they are working to show what really has happened if only to protect themselves from edited videos of what they were doing. I read that the police officer in McKinney who resigned after all that happened there had been involved in two suicides or suicide attempts that day. Maybe he was a little over the top with how he handled the young woman who he was handcuffing. I see that people are wanting him prosecuted for his involvement in this. I really don't see what he has done to be prosecuted for doing. If there was anything to it, it seems to have been more than taken care of by his resigning. I have a friend who is a retired highway patrol officer. He was telling me about stopping a couple for speeding. Turned out they were IRS agents. He gave the driver the ticket and let them go on their way. They filed charges against him for being abusive, cussing them out up and down one side and the other and wanting him fired. Only thing was that his whole stop was on tape. They asked them if they were sure that they wanted to proceed with this not telling them that it was all on tape. They went ahead with it and went to court. Because of their perjury, they wound up losing their jobs with the IRS.