Seating off the lands

I do not believe there is any one, fit all answer to your question and is dependent on the specific cartridge. Eg Compressed loads versus ullage, bullet design and distance of travel to obturation.

I defer to others more qualified to answer your question than I am.

I shot a bit with a couple of brothers from VT. Two top notch shooters; one was a strong believer in hard jam and spent a lot of time with his dies and in setting his loaded rounds straight. The other brother was a strong believer that more powder was the answer when he lost his tune. I tried both these methods but never had much luck. That being said these guys had years of experience and were using select bullets and blended powders. It certainly worked for them but for me it was like living on the edge.




Both "strong believer" and "years of experience between them" could qualify as the understatement of the year ;)

And may I add that the elder brother..... the one who liked to tip the bottle to regain his groove, was #2 in Group BR HOF for a loooong time..... and simultaneously in the Top 10 for Score.....
BTW I'ma get with retired on this one...... thems some perty fancy verbiages to say "the bullet starts and stops some, and we want it to do it the same each time"..... and I LIKE verbosity!


BTW I'ma get with retired on this one...... thems some perty fancy verbiages to say "the bullet starts and stops some, and we want it to do it the same each time"..... and I LIKE verbosity!



I am still recovering from jet lag and a 12 hour time change.......... I will try and do better next time.......


I am still recovering from jet lag and a 12 hour time change.......... I will try and do better next time.......




please, allow me to comment without taking it as preaching :) you have the right to your way, I have the right to mine. It'd be pretty boring if we were all the same!

That said, I'm a wordy guy and I still thought it was a liddle high falutin''s nice when everyone in the room can understand what's being said.

I was in a pre-con meeting a couple days ago, Concrete, Excavation and Electrical Contractor, and this electrical engineer leads with "OK, since you deem this project time sensitive let me broach the salient subject, are you vendor agnostic? Open sourcing will significantly alleviate funneling and . . . . ."

At this point the GC raised his hand and asked "If you mean "can we buy or supply our stuff as we see best" then YES! That's what we hired you question?"
Depends on one's

please try again.
the term was so uncommon/unknown it had to be defined at the very start of the article.
that does not sound like "common" to me.

education level I'd guess. I've always loved language and words that exactly describe what one wishes to say so I have done my best to learn every word and it's meaning someone was kind enough to offer me.

BTW, how many of you believe the powder "acts as an incompressible fluid?"

It takes around 600 actual pounds to start the bullet, ie if you push it with a stick it takes a 600lb weight on the stick for it to engrave the bullet.

If you push on the POWDER with a stick, does 600lb get transmitted forward? or does the powder compress/crumble some?

IMO the powder simply decreases the gas space and the primer pressure goes thru it as though it were porous.
i agree,
but look at the meaning:

meaning: the space in a closed container of liquid that is not filled by the :
from the liquid world, as in cask filling.


it is being MIS-USED....

education level I'd guess. I've always loved language and words that exactly describe what one wishes to say so I have done my best to learn every word and it's meaning someone was kind enough to offer me.

now might be the time to remind everyone, 'Forum'.... a forum is not a place for folks of like mind to gather and reinforce their collective views and ideas. A forum THRIVES on disagreement...... disagreement, argument and open discussion even passionate discussion are what makes a forum a FORUM as opposed to a church, a school or a group of fuddy duddy's striving to preserve a way of life past.

Definition of forum

plural forums also fora\ ˈfȯr-​ə \
a place, meeting, or medium where ideas and views on a particular issue can be exchanged.
1a : the marketplace or public place of an ancient Roman city forming the center of judicial and public business
b : a public meeting place for open discussion
The club provides a forum for people interested in local history.
c : a medium (such as a newspaper or online service) of open discussion or expression of ideas
2 : a judicial body or assembly : COURT
3a : a public meeting or lecture involving audience discussion
The town has scheduled a public forum to discuss the proposal.
b : a program (as on radio or television) involving discussion of a problem usually by several authorities

Maybe it is best if those folks who're bothered by differing views just put each other on ig'noor after all! :)

I'll not ignore anyone though as I find ALL VIEWS to be fascinating.
i agree,
but look at the meaning:

meaning: the space in a closed container of liquid that is not filled by the :
from the liquid world, as in cask filling.


it is being MIS-USED....

I appreciate the difference and agree...... and use 'appreciate' appropriately ;) ..... also appreciate "like a liquid" so took it another way, laffingly

BTW I also very nearly laffed aloud to hear "vendor agnostic" in a meeting of grubby, mud-booted, unshaven ruffians the other day.... just how I is, gotta' find the humor when I can (which is OFTEN!)

keeps me healthy, so's I can still live on fried foods
Why(pic) do you insist on using this term (sic) in the metallic cartridge world ?

Meaning (pic): the space in a closed container of liquid that is not filled by the liquid:
from the liquid (sic) world, as in cask filling.

We(pic) have always used % full

In the fluid world, head space is often used in place of ullage.

Term swapping knows no bounds...... -Al (notinwa)
Back in my years in the retail fruit industry, ullage referred to the pieces of fruit that disappeared from the cartons during transportation.
I used to see a lot of ullage on the sides of the roads in and around “The Tomato Capital Of Canada”, Leamington, Ontario and then there is always a lot of ullage on the sides of the roads in lemon season in Florida. Today there’s the ullage around Jeddo, Mi and that would be sugar beets. Let me tell you that you don’t want that ullage coming through your windshield. Nobody tailgates a sugar beet truck.
I have seen on many occasions where a shooter forgot powder and the primer did not push the bullet out of the neck. I have done it myself. My view on seating depth is that it acts similar to adjusting a tuner. In my opinion it varies the "effective" barrel length and related harmonics. Why certain combinations of components would need either a running start (jump) or a jam, thats more to do with the components preference for a steep or gradual pressure curve IMO.
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I had a lot of ullage

I used to see a lot of ullage on the sides of the roads in and around “The Tomato Capital Of Canada”, Leamington, Ontario and then there is always a lot of ullage on the sides of the roads in lemon season in Florida. Today there’s the ullage around Jeddo, Mi and that would be sugar beets. Let me tell you that you don’t want that ullage coming through your windshield. Nobody tailgates a sugar beet truck.

after my last divorce :(
