Scumbag Supplier

Just received an email message soliciting business from LG Outdoors. I think we all understand that reloading component prices have increased but I find this absolutely criminal!

CCI BR4 Primers Benchrest Small Rifle Per 1000
Manufacturer CCI

SKU 5784851
UPC 076683500199
See more products from CCI

PRICE $248.75
Reminds me of a story I heard/read a long time ago. It went something like this.

A guy thought the price a merchant was charging was "criminal" and told him that the station/shop down the street was selling it for less than half what the merchant was charging.

The merchant asked the guy, "Well, why don't you go there and buy it?"

The guy said, "They don't have any."
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Reminds me of a story I heard/read a long time ago. It went something like this.

A guy thought the price a merchant was charging was "criminal" and told him that the station/shop down the street was selling it for less than half what the merchant was charging.

The merchant asked the guy, "Well, why don't you go there and buy it?"

The guy said, "They don't have any."

well said Hunter......

SCUMBAG is these guys, and there's about 50 of them advertising all over thee webscape right now.
BTW.... this post spurred me to check with my main components supplier. I whipped out my credit card for 4 times that price.

I just paid A DOLLAR APIECE for CCI primers. I bought CCI 35's for




Did I get screwed?
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Thats about

Just received an email message soliciting business from LG Outdoors. I think we all understand that reloading component prices have increased but I find this absolutely criminal!

CCI BR4 Primers Benchrest Small Rifle Per 1000
Manufacturer CCI

SKU 5784851
UPC 076683500199
See more products from CCI

PRICE $248.75

$210. more than I paid for the last Winchesters I bought.

this is still the USA
you are not forced to buy,
but if you choose to you can....
if you are not buying , why get all twisted ??
no i aint buying either
$210. more than I paid for the last Winchesters I bought.


Pete, I've never over-paid for primers and probably never will again BUT.... when I inventoried a few weeks ago I'm down to near 50,000 primers which for me is when I would normally re-up. I'ma have to plan ahead and make some rational SWAG's in the upcoming year(s) and hop in when we elect the next Trump or I WILL run short in the foreseeable future! And I have never had CCI35's.

The primers I paid a buck for are for experimental 50BMG light guns I'm building (World's First 15lb Hunting Rifles) and in this pertickler case I over-paid because I'm buying in a market unfamiliar to me AND, timing.... I've never before reloaded for 50BMG, it's all new to me. For all I know CCI35's are NORMALLY fitty-cent primers and I paid a buck. But in this case I've been looking for almost a year. I've got prep'd cases on the bench in loading blocks and NO PRIMERS TO BE HAD! I only bought 500 and I probably 'wasted' $250.00 but I'm ass-deep in this excursion right now, got muzzle brakes actually still in the mill and lathe.....and starting another one here in about 15min...... so I spent the 250 bucks willingly as my guts tell me I'll never again see them for a decent price, that half what I paid is best I can expect with these anyway. And I need some volume to test with.

(((I'm a realist.... I need to send 15-20rds downrange using the recoil sled before I EVER dare shoulder one of these piggs!)))

And I'm trying something completely unprecedented..... the brakes are sleeved on, NO THREADS, so there's that to consider......LOL!
this is still the USA
you are not forced to buy,
but if you choose to you can....
if you are not buying , why get all twisted ??
no i aint buying either

I have to agree. The seller has no obligation to do anyone a favor. If you think they are too high (I agree), don't buy 'em. I see over priced stuff on accurateshooter all the time. Some are sellers I'm so familiar with I just laugh and don't even open the ad. Some are just stupid and thinks their stuff is worth more, usually because they paid too much for it to begin with. If you didn't choose to stock up when the price was decent, that's not good, but it's not the sellers fault. Get over it. Either pay the price or watch for something more affordable. It's not like it's gas or food.

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I have to agree. The seller has no obligation to do anyone a favor. If you think they are too high (I agree), don't but 'em. I see over priced stuff on accurateshooter all the time. Some are sellers I'm so familiar with I just laugh and don't even open the ad. Some are just stupid and thinks their stuff is worth more, usually because they paid too much for it to begin with. If you didn't choose to stock up when the price was decent, that's not good, but it's not the sellers fault. Get over it. Either pay the price or watch for something more affordable. It's not like it's gas or food.


Not to defend the seller, but we don't know what he had to pay in order to get them.
john at powder valley was offered primers a while back...basically all he buy.
the catch...ONE DOLLAR EACH!
john passed and said he would not support that kind of pricing.

Not to defend the seller, but we don't know what he had to pay in order to get them.
john at powder valley was offered primers a while back...basically all he buy.
the catch...ONE DOLLAR EACH!
john passed and said he would not support that kind of pricing.

I just paid one dollar each...... two days ago....... like the shipment hasn't arrived yet.......from PV
yeah but
you were not buying small/large rifle primers....
and the wholesale price to pv was a dollar EACH...not the retail price.

I just paid one dollar each...... two days ago....... like the shipment hasn't arrived yet.......from PV
yeah but
you were not buying small/large rifle primers....
and the wholesale price to pv was a dollar EACH...not the retail price.

I'm not really disagreeing with you nor arguing.... ;) ...... I'm actually just adding a liddle insult to injury. I would never have believed in my wildest imaginings that I would ever pay a dollar each for ANY primer!!! A dollar a ROUND maybe.....

But just like everything else.....

I'm grinning as we reap what we've sown. I'm spending thousands per week on fuel....... My business pricing has nearly doubled as supplies have tripled and more........ AND!!! To top it all off several of my sisters, and 5 or 6 of my sons and daughters and my wife are currently eating 'carnivore'.... eating only meat, mainly red meat at a time when CHEAP stake is 6-7/lb. We got together the other night for a visit and set around the table to over 200.00 worth of steaks on our plates for supper at home.

Cuhh-RAZY-cool time to be alive :)

I specialise in rimfire shooting, same difference.

When I recently visited my local supplier to purchase some Eley Tenex (top shelf stuff) I had heard that local (Australian) prices had risen to over $400Au per brick.

When I asked about the price I was quoted $290Au per brick as it was old stock but warned that prices shall probably rise when new stock comes in.

What a great experience it was not to get ripped off. Maybe that's why I stick with that shop, honest people are hard to find.

*doggie *
I have to agree. The seller has no obligation to do anyone a favor. If you think they are too high (I agree), don't buy 'em. I see over priced stuff on accurateshooter all the time. Some are sellers I'm so familiar with I just laugh and don't even open the ad. Some are just stupid and thinks their stuff is worth more, usually because they paid too much for it to begin with. If you didn't choose to stock up when the price was decent, that's not good, but it's not the sellers fault. Get over it. Either pay the price or watch for something more affordable. It's not like it's gas or food.


I agree with Rick. This is my 4th shortage. I am not worried.
But, then I have had a few friends pass away. And I try to help out the families.....