Scoville Stock


New member in, what does a fella have to do to score one of those carbon fiber Scoville stock....??? They sure look nice and sleek. Any leads...?


Dang! I don't have either. Something I will keep my eye out for though. BTW, thanks, I got the mail. Very nice.

There are a few different styles of the Scoville stocks. You have the original, the barrel block, the rear kneel weight system, the offset stock and one other option that is being prototyped now. Also, you can have anyvariation of the above put together (ie: barrel block, offset stock and kneels "or" original stock with offset...etc). They run around 1000.00 to 1100.00 each.

If you want pics, let me know and I'll send you some. I have a new black/red carbon fiber, offset, barrel block, kneel, HV dampner coming this week.

You do have to be patient.

Hey Hovis,

you wouldn't mind sending that stock down to me so I can smear some release agent on it would ya? I promise I'd get most of the resin off of it after I make my mold.......:eek::D pics when ya get it.
There are a few different styles of the Scoville stocks. You have the original, the barrel block, the rear kneel weight system, the offset stock and one other option that is being prototyped now. Also, you can have anyvariation of the above put together (ie: barrel block, offset stock and kneels "or" original stock with offset...etc). They run around 1000.00 to 1100.00 each.

If you want pics, let me know and I'll send you some. I have a new black/red carbon fiber, offset, barrel block, kneel, HV dampner coming this week.

You do have to be patient.


I've sent emails, phonecalls, etc...and can't get a response from any of them? I have the funds and some I'd just like to talk to somebody to order one?
I too would love to see the pics of your stock...
The real Scoville

There is only one real "Scoville Stock." That is the stock built by Bob Scoville. That seems pretty simple. Nobody else has been given the business, the name, or the knowledge of the various internal constructions. It is what's on the inside that counts!

As always, there are a limited number of stocks produced for the Worlds best benchrest shooters.

Bob Scoville
586 725 5441
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This is definitely a record.....unprecedented in BRC history!

THREE first time posts in one thread, in a ROW!

And curtis???? There's your lead! :)
