Scottish 322

h322 made in Scotland and GI 322 surplus

Dave, I've bought the same for $26.00/eight pounder
Hi Lee,
I have exactly the same powder, same jug, same everything and I bought that powder the same time you bought yours. As for shelf life, I'm not sure but I can tell you I still shoot the stuff with no problems. A couple of us old farts bought a case of the stuff back then when I was heavy into bench rest shooting. I also have an empty one pound canister of H322 marked,
U.S. GOV'T Surplus
Sug. Retail $7.99 and the sticker on top of the lid says I paid $5.99 a pound.
Dave T
I've got some 2015...

also. The stuff I have and that you want was made in Isreal in 1990 and 1991. On the bottom of the container is a small tag with numbers. For example, if it says "27091" the powder was made the 270th day of 1991. After 1991 it was made elsewhere.

The Isreali 2015 was superb in both the .22 PPC Short and the .22 BR Short that I shot years ago. I'm keeping what I have till I know I'm done shooting.


Dick Wright
I think it was around 1980 that we imported some Scottish powder from the Nobel's factory down to South Australia. It arrived in 20kg tins marked Nobels Neonite. Well, we thought they had sent the wrong stuff, but no, it was the real thing - H322.
I recall that it burned a bit hotter than what we have now - I think we used to load around 27.8gns.
At the time we only had access to DuPont and Winchester powders Down Under, and this H322 created a bit of a stir.
Very accurate and higher velocities than we were used to as well.

Brendan Atkinson
I think it was around 1980 that we imported some Scottish powder from the Nobel's factory down to South Australia. It arrived in 20kg tins marked Nobels Neonite. Well, we thought they had sent the wrong stuff, but no, it was the real thing - H322.
I recall that it burned a bit hotter than what we have now - I think we used to load around 27.8gns.
At the time we only had access to DuPont and Winchester powders Down Under, and this H322 created a bit of a stir.
Very accurate and higher velocities than we were used to as well.

Brendan Atkinson

I used it at 27.5 grains with 66 grain bullets. It was my first powder. You know, I shot pretty well with it. Now after I became smarter and bought more reloading supplies and an additional rifle, my shooting went to sh$t. When I first started, I just watched the flags. Didn't know about tuning or anything else. As I got"smarter" my shooting went down hill.
Hey Butch,
Same thing here.
I don't think I won a match all year. 6-7 tournaments...........I did win the Score league I run at WWCCA. But, I didn't win a match. Couple 2nd's 3rd's.........
Got a new barrel for the Bat. This don't work. The bullet dies go in the trash. I go back to the Grizzly and shoot varmint rounds........:mad: