Score Shooters Showdown

Rick: post # three (3) in this thread, by Mike Ezell; "I like it Jim, but a "Triple Crown" would be even better. UBR on the last x's, just points. That's UBR and that would shake things up, especially at 200. There is the caliber neutral aspect but I'm sure most if not all the IBS and NBRSA shooters will be shooting a 30 anyway.

I think it's a great idea, either way. "

Please note that I included - did not clip - that last, "qualifier" sentence in Mike's quote. The implication WAS there! ;-)

We agree that such an event will be good for the sport - let's see what develops. As you can see, I am not alone in the opinion that the bullet diameter is a highly over-rated attribute. Again, I want to make it clear, I do not believe any discipline is superior to any other - merely that they differ - and, that, on a give day/event, the best shooter wins. Keep 'em ON the X! RG

Yes Randy, I said that in post three but you can't cherry pick my posts to suit your case. Please go read my post 26, where I explained what I was thinking and why I was wrong.

You have to read them all sir.
Good point Al and of course, you are correct. It has to do with the radius rather than the diameter. That being said, I'm very surprised at the disingenuousness of the replies. I think it is generally accepted in the benchrest community that the 6PPC is the most accurate round on the planet. I've seen that opinion voiced on this board more than once and never challenged. If the theories being put forth on this thread are truly believed, why is it that virtually every VFS competitor in both IBS and NBRSA shoots some type of 30 cal, usually the 30BR? If they really believed what they are saying then why don't they choose to shoot "the most accurate round on the planet"? I think the answer is easy. The competitor shooting the bullet that makes the biggest hole has the advantage. I will still say, since my math has been corrected, that if you give me a .0325 advantage on every bull, I will beat you more often than not.

I will repeat, I support what Jim has in mind and there is a way to make it happen without a six day shoot.


Rick, as long as you can hit either side of the dot and it be scored as a hit, your math was right the first time.

Now, carry on. Good discussion and I still like the idea of this match, it's just different.
Wasn't the keystone classic back in the 90's supposed to be like this ? The score super shoot with no sanctioning body would likely bring more shooters same as group super shoot .
Yes Randy, I said that in post three but you can't cherry pick my posts to suit your case. Please go read my post 26, where I explained what I was thinking and why I was wrong.

You have to read them all sir.

Mike, I did read them all - I was simply pointing out to Rick, that, contrary to his, "For the record I don't think I have seen anything on this thread or the other that has suggested you use anything other than the IBS/NBRSA target.", statement the door had been opened. ;-) RG