I'm probably not near a good enough shooter to do worth a damn. My shooting sticks to the varmint fields and on my farm. I've shot some great groups, though. Shooting the Hickory shoot isn't just 100 yard groups....its reading the wind, having a well tuned, load, and a good rifle.
But as I said from the beginning, there are good and bad examples of each. I've had the best luck with Remington rifles and like the action better. I have two factory rifles that shoot extremely well. The other two have custom barrels so I don't count 'em.
Let me ask you guys this, when a BR shooter wins a 600 yard shoot, do all you Savage guys say its because Larry Joe Gunsmith built his rifle and that his rifles are the best or do you say the shooter did a good job of tuning a load, reading the wind, and shooting a group?
All the equipment in the world doesn't make the SHOOTER the best shooter. Being the best shooter does.