Savage 12 LRPV 12 twist and 87g V-max


New member
After seeing one of these 'as is, out of the box' guns beat the custom rifles at a local club, I bought my first Savage. I figured if Savage is making guns like that, it was time I found out. I did some research to find out how heavy a bullet the 12 twist could handle and read conflicting stories. Apparently some will shoot them and some won't. So, here is my load development target for the 87 g V-max. After shooting this target, there were 80 rounds on the barrel. This is the first rifle I have ever had, custom or no, that shot three groups in the ones during the first try at load development for a particular bullet, even if they were 3 shot groups. Do ya'll think it is shootin' the 87?


After trying a few other load combinations, I went back to the first load out of the rifle for the 87 V-max, which was 32.8 grains of Varget, and shot it at 200 yards. The results are attached. Groups 1 & 2 put four of five into very tiny groups (equivalent to .14" & .195" at 100 yds)! The results of all four groups is not bad at all for a factory rifle at 200 yards. It is going to the Wabash Cannonball match next Sunday.


This is in spite of observing what others have commented on regarding Savage factory barrels. It is indeed rough with tooling marks and coppers quite a bit, making it hard to clean, but you can't argue with the way it shoots! And this is right out of the box. The only thing I did to it was to lighten the torque on the rear action screw to just enough to keep it from coming loose after seeing how that screw was pulling the action over the edge of the aluminum bedding block. The front two screws I set at 30 inch/lbs.
Twist and load

Some things defy logic, but your twist is marginal and the load is hot for the 87 gr V-Max. - nhk
My LRPV shoots best with the middle action screw left out.

Get a box of 75 VMaxs and I bet things stabilize out. The 87s should be on the edge or beyond for the 1:12 in a 6BR.
Hot load?

Some things defy logic, but your twist is marginal and the load is hot for the 87 gr V-Max. - nhk

Of course it's hot. If you have a marginally stable bullet, you want to drive it as fast as possible as long as accuracy doesn't suffer. It is not sticky at all on bolt lift and the primers look OK, so I'm gonna use it.

I've got some 75s but I have not had time to work on a load for them yet. They would probably be preferable in this gun except in windy conditions. I've lost too many matches to the heavier bullets on windy days.

Anyone got an 8 twist fluted savage LRPV take off they want to get rid of?
Velocity & twist

If you have a marginally stable bullet, you want to drive it as fast as possible as long as accuracy doesn't suffer.

It takes a lot of velocity to make up for a lack of twist, like about 3600 fps for an Sg of about 1.00 with your twist and the 87 gr V-Max. Good luck on a cold day. - nhk
At 800 ft, it doesn't quite take 3600 fps. I have a 28" 1:12 Shilen in a 6mm Rem (old school 244) that will shoot the 87s at 3450-3500 fps. Drop down to 3400 and it goes south. My 6mm Remmy does it, but you should have to hammer a 6BR to get their. One thing I have learned is that you never no until try. My 1:9 6 Ackley shouldn't shot the 107 SMK but it loves them... Luck, Tim
i Have shot 80gr Berger bullets in a 14tw 6ppc with great results. Most will say it isn't a good idea. Lee
Anyone got an 8 twist fluted savage LRPV take off they want to get rid of?

I have 1:10 Krieger 28" barrel I would sell. Shoots the 95 BIBs well and will also shoot the 95 Berger VLDs. Never tried the 87s in this barrel, but should work fine. I purchased this barrel when I was waiting to get my first 1:8 6BR. I put less than 200 rounds down the tube. I have two other 1:8 6BRs and don't have a need for the 1:10. PM me if interested. Tim