Roy Oines Memorial results & pics

Al Nyhus

"It'll never work!"
Results for the Wi. State IBS Score Two Gun/Roy Oines Memorial tournament 9-10 and 9-11 event. 32 shooters were on hand. Reasonable winds and heavy mirage was the order of the weekend.

Saturdays results:

HBR 100:
1. Randy Perkowski 250-14X
2. Chad Schmidt 250-12X
3.Mike Bigelow 250-12X
4. Wayne Corley 249-13X
5. Tom Hencken 249-11X

HBR 200:
1. Chad Schmidt 247-8X
2. John Puhl 246-3X
3. James Lederer 245-5X
4. Clark Greene 245-2X
5. Mark Taylor 244-4X

HBR Grand:
1. Chad Schmidt 497-20X
2. John Puhl 494-13X
3. Tom Hencken 493-13X
4. Mike Bigelow 492-17X
5. Wayne Corley 492-17X

VH 100:
1. Al Nyhus 250-14X
2. Steve Call 249-15X

VH 200
1. Steve Call 241-5X
2. Al Nyhus 240-2X

VH Grand
1. Steve Call 490-20X
2. Al Nyhus 490-16X

Sunday's results (Varmint for Score)

VfS 100
1. Randy Perkowski 250-23X
2. Richard Hunnewell 250-21X
3. John Puhl 250-19X
4. Chad Schmidt 250-19X
5. Steve Call 250-18X

VfS 200
1. Chad Schmidt 250-5X
2. Mark Nagel 250-5X
3. Steve Rosendale 250-4X
4. Al Nyhus 249-7X
5. Randy Perkowski 249-7X

VfS Grand
1. Chad Schmidt 500-24X
2. Randy Perkowski 499-30X
3. Al Nyhus 499-23X
4. James Lederer 498-20X
5. Jim Koffman 498-18X

Two Gun
1. Chad Schmidt 997-44X
2. Randy Perkowski 991-46X
3. John Puhl 990-37X
4. James Lederer 990-36X
5. Al Nyhus 989-39X

Some pics from the event:

The range:

Match Director Craig Nagel (on the left) goes over a few details before the event. This was Craig's first event as Match Director. He ran a smooth, fun event. Thanks for all your work, buddy!:D

Inside the loading building. From l-rt: Clark Greene, Chad Schmidt, John Puhl, Wayne Corley:

Buford Seabolt (lt) and John Puhl (rt). Great competitors and always fun to shoot with.

Mike Bigelow does some cipherin'.

The guys from Rock Creek Barrels. James Lederer (lt) and Paul Tolvstad (rt).
Behind James and Paul, there was a memory board with pictures of Roy Oines at various BR events. It was a popular place and lots of good times were remembered.

Front lt: Mark Nagel Front rt: John Puhl
Rear lt to rt: Mike Bigelow, Chad Schmidt, Randy Perkowski, Al Nyhus, Steve Call
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Thanks for a Great Match Report

Looks like you guys had a great shoot! Your pictures show more than words could tell.
I sure wish I could have been there, but our new grandson was born last Thursday ... a MAJOR priority! TK
Good shootin' guys!

The range looks great,......not as good as Al's legs, but great just the same...:cool:
Great report Al! And thanks for the pix as they are always enhance the story..
