Roy Leckemby


New member
:(I received some sad news today.Bill Reahard from up at Fairchance called me and said Roy Leckemby was in the hospital and not doing well. He has not been responding for the last 3 or 4 days. Roy has been a longtime supporter and friend of benchrest. Roy ran the hog roast for many years. Please say a prayer for him and keep him in your thoughts. I will try to keep youall post when I hear something. Floyd
Floyd....thank you for keeping us informed about Roye.....he is a friend to us all ...he shur took care of me and mine as we grew up and shot here in the eastern region....Roger
I met Roye and his wife @ the Super Shoot (1988) He invited me to attend his match @ Fairchance. He was a great host and match director. I loved his early morning wake up call on the range intercom. (Get up, it is 6 AM) We will all keep Roye in our prayers.
I spoke to Bill Reahard Friday and he said there was no change with Roy. They may be moving him to a nursing home soon or takeing him home and hospice will take care of him. All I know right now. Keep Roy in your thoughts.
Update on Roye Leckemby:

I spoke to Doug ( Roye's Grandson ) last night ( Saturday ), and he said that Roye had been unresponsive for eight days. He also said they had pulled all tube, I V's, etc that day. Other than that there is nothing new in his condition. He is still holding his own. Please keep him and his family in your prayers. I will keep everyone informed as I get any info.

Thanks Bill Reahard
Thanks for the information concerning Roye. Just know that Roye and his family are in our prayers. The Lord will keep him comforted. He has told us that he will always be with us. May the Lord bless Roye and keep him and let his grace shine on him.

Geary and Margaret Koglin
I spoke with Bill Reahard last night and he said there was little to no change with Roy.He is fighting the good fight. Please keep him in your prayers and thoughts. FLOYD
I was in to see Roye last night. On Thursday he woke up and seemed to be aware of his surroundings. He knew Doug and Jake. They asked him if he wanted something to eat or drink and he shook his head no. Friday they said he had a very good day. He even said he wanted to go home. Last night when I was in I called his name and he opened his eyes and reached his hand for mine. He was not as much aware yesterday as he was on Friday. Lets keep praying for him and hope he stays with us for a long time. Thanks for everyone's prayers.

Bill Reahard
I talked to Doug today and was informed that Roye will be discharged tomorrow from the hospital and will be going home. The hospital said they had done all they could. Seventeen days no food and 10 days no water. Please keep praying for him.
