Rimfire for 10 year old grandson


New member
Looking to build a rimfire for my grandson that’s 10. Don’t really know where to start. I would like it to be fairly “competitive” would like to shoot some local matches maybe, leaning toward maybe marlin,savage action with a custom barrel (what length). Have about $800-1200 to spend without the scope probably just use a t36 I have. Open to just about any suggestions. He likes to shoot and trying to get him interested in something other then video games. Yes
grandson w/out video games

Looking to build a rimfire for my grandson that’s 10. Don’t really know where to start. I would like it to be fairly “competitive” would like to shoot some local matches maybe, leaning toward maybe marlin,savage action with a custom barrel (what length). Have about $800-1200 to spend without the scope probably just use a t36 I have. Open to just about any suggestions. He likes to shoot and trying to get him interested in something other then video games. Yes

I am in the same boat. Although I am a competive shooter already, I will just have him slide into one of mine.

In your shoes and budget, I would look at the rifles for sale on this fourum.

Just a new mounted custom barrel would run 600 or so and that is with an already threaded action.

The kimbers etc should do you well, with a little better grade of ammo.

Rimfire Fun

Might want to look at a Ruger 10/22
They are a fun gun--all us kids like to shoot fun guns
They have multiple upgrades available that the 2 of you could do together.
Accuracy out of the box is not benchrest quality but with the upgrades they become much improved.
There is a Benchrest venue that only shoots 22 rimfire--so they can be made very accurate.
What ever you do, make it fun.
The phone/video games is tough competition!!!!
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Looking to build a rimfire for my grandson that’s 10. Don’t really know where to start. I would like it to be fairly “competitive” would like to shoot some local matches maybe, leaning toward maybe marlin,savage action with a custom barrel (what length). Have about $800-1200 to spend without the scope probably just use a t36 I have. Open to just about any suggestions. He likes to shoot and trying to get him interested in something other then video games. Yes

Checkout a used Anschutz 54. Rimfire Central is a good place to look.
New kids gun

540 XR target for a rifle in that price range. Its single shot which would be good for
beginning youngsters.

I would find an old 40x and shoot it. If he likes it, put a new barrel and stock on it. There are plenty of 40x’s out there that have been updated and won matches.
I second the 40x recommendation

I would find an old 40x and shoot it. If he likes it, put a new barrel and stock on it. There are plenty of 40x’s out there that have been updated and won matches.

The 40x gives you a solid base upon which to build.
Maybe someone has a safe queen and will PM you with a deal you can’t refuse.
Never know.
Regardless be patient and keep an eye on the classifieds.
Gunbroker.com has more than one for sale.

check out ABRA Autobenchrestassociation.com
Joe Chacon builds a pretty awesome 10/22. Perfect for kids of all ages.

"I second the 40x recommendation"
Me too. Just about any single shot will work for getting the "feel" at the bench.
The 10/22? Good for a "Mad Minute". After he finds out how to shoot with a single shot, THEN the 10/22 comes into play. I have two of them.:cool:
Looking to build a rimfire for my grandson that’s 10. Don’t really know where to start. I would like it to be fairly “competitive” would like to shoot some local matches maybe, leaning toward maybe marlin,savage action with a custom barrel (what length). Have about $800-1200 to spend without the scope probably just use a t36 I have. Open to just about any suggestions. He likes to shoot and trying to get him interested in something other then video games. Yes

First off, may I suggest you please NAIL DOWN his eye dominance??? I typically work with over 100 kids per year for the last 20yrs and find this to be a huge problem.

IMO HE MUST shoot off his dominant eye. If he's one of the (30%???) who should be shooting lefty or cross-dominant this will play in.

Secondly, the kid's about 3ft tall and a kid. Do you want him to have a pack-around gun? A hunting rifle and a safe gun upon which to learn his gun handling skillset? I suggest one of the fine bolt-actioned 22's in the market. It ain't hard to make a nice liddle gun that will shoot right up there with the BR guns based on ammo availability..... I seriously mis-doubt the boy is interested in haunting forums looking to pay max dollars for the last 3 cases of Eley Unobtanium eh....

I bought my 10yrold a left-handed Savage and it's as accurate as need be for any competition using FGMM, we can't make it shoot any worse than some $1000.00 22's in the stable (admittedly, I DO NOT shoot BR 22's competitively)
To keep it fun and keep his interest,I would use some type of moveable or knock down target. Kids need instant feedback on how they are doing. Otherwise you'll be going down range every shot to see bullet holes. They need it to be fun first. Start with large targets and work down to smaller ones as he gets better.

I spent fair amount on factory rifles in the beginning and now look back and wish I had purchased a 40X in the beginning,still shooting one in custom class,do so-so with it but its a financial thing,I would grab a 40x,there are plenty still available to be had fo your price and even factory barreled ones can still be competitive and if he lose's interest you won't lose any money as they seem to hold there value,just my 2c.
To keep it fun and keep his interest,I would use some type of moveable or knock down target. Kids need instant feedback on how they are doing. Otherwise you'll be going down range every shot to see bullet holes. They need it to be fun first. Start with large targets and work down to smaller ones as he gets better.

Big +1. Another suggestion is to shoot informally 2-3 times as often as you do formally (competitively) to see what he likes. Kids will often tag along because they like time with you, and/or they like shooting, but they may not actually enjoy competing - where things are a bit too structured to seem like fun and often less social than they'd like.

I found a used Cooper Bench Rest model and it shoots really well. I have two friends with Model 12 H&Rs that also shoot great off the bench.

Looking to build a rimfire for my grandson that’s 10. Don’t really know where to start. I would like it to be fairly “competitive” would like to shoot some local matches maybe, leaning toward maybe marlin,savage action with a custom barrel (what length). Have about $800-1200 to spend without the scope probably just use a t36 I have. Open to just about any suggestions. He likes to shoot and trying to get him interested in something other then video games. Yes

I have a couple of CZ452's, after a trigger job, will shoot with most of the custom Sporter class rimfires....with top quality ammo.

While you have him at the range, take a block of soap and shoot it with a .22LR, preferably a hollowpoint. Show him the kind of damage the little .22 can do. Kids need a visual to understand that it will do more than punch paper.
Looking to build a rimfire for my grandson that’s 10. Don’t really know where to start. I would like it to be fairly “competitive” would like to shoot some local matches maybe, leaning toward maybe marlin,savage action with a custom barrel (what length). Have about $800-1200 to spend without the scope probably just use a t36 I have. Open to just about any suggestions. He likes to shoot and trying to get him interested in something other then video games. Yes

You will come out better using the Remington 40X, even it the initial cost is slightly more. There are more options available for the 40X ( triggers, scope mounts, stocks....) and easier to come by. Fact is, they shoot pretty well as-is, then you can make upgrades as the youngster gets better at it. When he is ready for a serious upgrade, the 40X can be sold for close to what you paid for it. I don't think you would recover anything close to you investment, going with a Marlin or Savage. JMO