rifling machine


New member
I have an opportunity to buy a sine bar rifling machine for two hundred dollars. It has cut some winning muzzleloader barrels. It comes with several cutters and lapping stuff. Is this worth pursuing for centerfire barrels and an occasional muzzleloader barrel.
It depends on the rigidity of the sine bar and the capabilities of twist. I have a home built sine bar rifler and it's most usefull for a 1-30 twist and slower (muzzleloaders). To do a 1-20 I'd have to have another foot of rack and it would have to be beefed up considerably. For that kind of money (as in not much) you can't go wrong if you've ever wanted to play around with that type of thing. If it is a hand operated as in YOU pull the cutter through, it is painfully slow, but still very enjoyable making your own barrel. You wouldn't want to turn them out in any quantity and think you'd be making any money at it but it is fun to make your own stuff.

Now if your talking about a Pratt and Whitney Sine bar rifler, get over there this instant and pick it up!!!
Paul, you have enough toys to play with (at WORK) and you're too far behind in production to be playing anyway:D.
Be VERY careful about what you buy as far as sine bar machines go. If it was designed for muzzleloader barrels it probably isn't sturdy enough to cut the fast twist required for modern centerfire barrels. If the sine bar is off to the side of the machine this is probably the case. The old Pratt & Whitney machines have the sine bar in the center if I recall correctly. If it is a P&W then like msalm said "pick it up"!