Rifle Hold for F Class


New member
I plan to give F class a try for the first time next month. My rifle is not ideal but it is what I have--a 6BR bedded into a HS Precision varmint style stock. The rifle is very accurate with Sierra 107's. I have been practicing on my belly and since my rest has a stop I have been trying the free recoil method of shooting. The only thing touching the gun is my thumb and index finger to pinch off a shot. This seems to be a very repeatable method for a rookie like me.

Here's the problem, I am getting better groups with my regular "medium" hold--shoulder lightly touching, firm cheek, and light all the way around hand grip.

Would you share your experience and advice?
I use the "hold" approach, but I'm coming from a tactical and military background. Lots of different approaches to shooting, try them all and then use what works for you.

I had the same problem last year when I started this game. Let me guess, a bit of vertical stringing maybe? My best guess is that your rear stock, not being parallel with you forearm, is not tracking flat using free recoil.

Others may know of some gadget to attached to the underside of your rear stock if that indeed is the issue.
I use the equivalent to you "Medium" hold except I try not to use the cheek presure too much. This has worked best for me. A tighter hold transmits heart beat thru for me.
May be the round forend of the HS Precision stock is not helping shooting free recoil. I have the same problem...

With this kind of stock, I shoot better with holding the grip and touching with mild pressure the butt.

I had good results too, when holding the forend with my left hand, the way the 1000 yards shooters sometimes do.

I think you'll find that the NRA F class rules mandate that you shoot from the shoulder, ie free recoiling is not permitted. There was a lengthy thread on this subject on the Long Range forum late last year, as I recall.
I think you'll find that the NRA F class rules mandate that you shoot from the shoulder, ie free recoiling is not permitted. There was a lengthy thread on this subject on the Long Range forum late last year, as I recall.

I seem to remember that discussion ending in some doubt as to how it could be policed - free recoil using a .223 or 6BR could comprise touching the shoulder but no real pressure. The projectile has left the barrel before the butt has exerted any force on the shoulder. Attempting to police it could become very controversial don't you think - and put a lot of pressure on the "policeman"?

If there was ever a way of getting rid of my little black ass from the FClass ranks, just bring in a restriction in Aus on free recoiling a rifle. I suppose this is seen as an "unfair advantage" or maybe it too has a BR aura about it.
Who has the time to sit down and think of this crap?

On behalf of all benchrest shooters from around the world, i apologise to the FClass shooter that had his dog run over by a said benchrest shooter. Just because he reversed over the dog does not mean it was done on purpose. He was just concerned about its welfare.

Tony Z.

I would doubt that the Australian F-Class Open rules will outlaw free recoil - this must be unique to the US rules. The ICFRA rules do not outlaw it.

I guess the US rule comes from a general desire to preserve the character of F-Class as a conventional rifle, although you would think if that were the case, then the line would be drawn before the allowance of pedestal rests and rear sandbags, both which allow free recoil to be used.

Alan i am pleased to hear that. This is the first time i have heard of such a notion and feel that time could be better spent writing rules that do not alienate potential shooters from another pool source. BR shooters are a barrel away from shooting FClass and as such if one was to come and join us, he should feel free to shoot away, free recoil and all, in a 30 knot zephyr at a 1000 yards. You and i both know it comes down to reading the flags and shooting style has nothing or little to do with it.
Incidently i do not shoot FClass free recoil.
Tony Z.
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