Results Montrose Air Rifle Club Indoor Saturday December 20th-Scoreline

Just Darrin and I.....again. We shot a .22 caliber, this morning. 15.89's at 750. I'm pretty happy with it.....and Darrin shot his first 750. :D

Darrin Westermann Thomas HV (1) 250 18x (2) 250 15x (3) 250 15x (Total) 750 48x

Mike Niksch Thomas HV (1) 249 18x (2) 250 19x (3) 250 18x (Total) 749 55x

Great shooting guys


For information and clarification from the Score Line rules.

How the Scoreline operates:

The first 9 targets submitted receive an aggregate score.
Additional targets can be submitted, whereby, higher targets will replace lower targets from the first 9 targets to form a new 9 target aggregate, with 2,250-225X possible.
Individuals are limited to submitting 6 targets, per class, per calendar month.
Scores will be for both regular and junior (16 and under) shooters.

Looks like Darrin's great score will post to his HV scores mixed with his. .177. You could have fired the .22 in a different class or waited til Jan. to shoot it in HV.

Darned ole' rules! Please email if you need an explanation.

Bob worries.....I was aware of and understand the 6 target monthly limit per class. We (the boys over here) are only shooting HV.....It doesn't matter to us if they get recorded or not.
