Results/Comments on Bradenton (Manatee) Match

L. Costa

New member
Just to give some answers to questions, Buddy Ross will be providing a report on standings, etc.
We had, as usual, the coldest day of the year in Florida for the match. We moved it this year to avoid it but again the gremlins were at work. I mean by this that there were clear skies, lots of wind, cold weather in the 50s to low 60s, but when we've had 80 degree weather for most of the winter this seemed bad to us.

Extremely light attendance, only 24 shooters, I am frustrated by this. We hear the usual crap about wanting more ranges to hold shoots but then a LOT of guys stay close to the keyboard and give lessons on theory... Enough said. We don't even get enough revenue to have a target crew. Buddy runs the match, I score, Dwight StRomain and Dana English run targets...and still loose money.

Unusual Events:
Darwin was at work and someone came to the range to sell one of my stolen rifles...I now have that one back (Daaaaahhh). A beautiful Panda action, with a March scope and a Scarborough stock. Maybe I will get the other two back also...

I scored the match on Steve Lee's computer (which he took back of course with him) and he and Buddy will post the final results, but from memory I will give winners:
Bart Suter won LV100 and LV Grand
Jim Casey won LV 200
All the rest (including 2 gun) was won by Gene Bukys.
Great shooting by these fellows in some TOUGH conditions.

Larry Costa
"...Unusual Events:
Darwin was at work and someone came to the range to sell one of my stolen rifles...I now have that one back (Daaaaahhh). A beautiful Panda action, with a March scope and a Scarborough stock. Maybe I will get the other two back also..."


WOW!! I can't wait to hear the details about this! I would assume the party didn't know they were stolen?
Wom 2013

Rough results-
LV100- Bart Sauter, Bob Hammack, George Pariso
HV100- Gene Bukys, Wayne Campbell, Jeff Thompson
HV200- James Casey, Bukys, George Kelbly, Sr
LV200- Bukys, Thompson, Billy Stevens
LV Grand- Sauter, Bukys, Stevens
HV Grand- Bukys, Campbell, Casey
2 Gun- Bukys, Thompson, Casey, Hammack, Sauter
Thanks !!!!

Buddy,dana, dwight,and larry: Guys thanks for the work and effort to put on the shoot. As always we all had a goooood time. Consider changing the name of shoot to the frost winds of manatee shoot. Thanks again. Jim casey
George Kelbly was the one that caught on to the fact that it was my stuff. He came and got me out of the scoring trailer. Don't know yet all the details of who these folks were or where the rifle came from; the story changed a few times. I'll let the detective sort it out. I'm just happy to get it back and I hope to get the other two also.


Great to here you got back one of your rifles and my it serve you well.

Sorry the here about the attendance as I would feel the way things are going in this Country they would would be Proud to show off there guns these days.

As far as Temputure goes we shot Dumham's Bay yesterday 9 degress with a high of about 18 degress and winds of 20 mph with gust up to 30-35 mph now let me tell you it was COLD and my teeth still hurt. Although we did have 30+ shooters for the day.

Hope you get your other rifles back and we will see you at the SS.


PS, Might I add the Bruce LaChapelle and the target crew do a GREAT Job under these conditions and the Goulash was Awsome for Lunch.
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George Kelbly was the one that caught on to the fact that it was my stuff. He came and got me out of the scoring trailer. Don't know yet all the details of who these folks were or where the rifle came from; the story changed a few times. I'll let the detective sort it out. I'm just happy to get it back and I hope to get the other two also.


I talked to George last night, and he filled me in on the details. I only hope the bastards swallow the hook the rest of the way so the detective can reel 'em in!

I was intrigued by the story of the majority of stolen firearms in Florida going to Kalifornia, and vise versa.

I hope to see you in Georgia...or the FISS.
Any Idea where the Tenn stolen rifles go?

Hi Greg, I wonder where the stolen Tennessee BR rifles go? New Hall S, Panda, Nesika BR ,serial #003 and XP-100. All stolen 1999, .
Larry, I'm so glad you have one of yours back. I wish the thieves were in "hell w/their backs broken, and I had a receipt from the devil" Heaviest Fattest Varmint/Tom McKee
I talked to George last night, and he filled me in on the details. I only hope the bastards swallow the hook the rest of the way so the detective can reel 'em in!

I was intrigued by the story of the majority of stolen firearms in Florida going to Kalifornia, and vise versa.

I hope to see you in Georgia...or the FISS.