Remroid action-TonyZ



TonyZ you expert of knowledge, I was trying to find your action where you've said, but no luck.
However I've looked at your attachment and I've stored it. I Like your 2 lug fat bolt. (But it's nothing new, I've rose that on 1000 Benchrest about month ago (1/10 Bat question) and there would be thouands of these made elsewhere and by many.
How big is your bolt?
Stavax from ASSAB is nothing more than AISI 420, a dimensionally stable tool steel stainless.
If you know anything about guns you would know that in 110 years every gun is a copy of something that was done many times before.
The only rifle action that is TRUE ORIGINAL is THE BLASER R 93. The circumference locking system.
Everything what we have in bolt actins now is not any different to what was all done by 1920.
The only thing that varies is the size and shape.
I would be delighted to see your action, it better be good.

Shoot well
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If we ask aJR very nicely, he may post a couple of pictures of the Remroid. If you search under aJR or Jeff Rogers you may find the write up. I don't think there are any closeups of the action, just the complete rifle.

Here is a 3 lugger i built in 96. Alloy and insert with the drop port added later. Again nothing new and all "borrowed" features.


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Try again TonyZ...neither of those showed anything on


If we ask aJR very nicely, he may post a couple of pictures of the Remroid. If you search under aJR or Jeff Rogers you may find the write up. I don't think there are any closeups of the action, just the complete rifle.

Here is a 3 lugger i built in 96. Alloy and insert with the drop port added later. Again nothing new and all "borrowed" features.

A nice looking piece. I'm still waiting for your 2 lug/fat bolt pick.
My designe is nothing new and as you've said virtually everything is borrowed from some other designes and modified to my specifications.
We finally happen to agree for change that everything has have been already done many times very long time ago.
My bolt is of a single diameter with the lugs 3mm high each rising above the bolt body.
I haven't seen your article yet, so no worries about me stealing some of your ideas.
If you want to go and make one action as I've described it, I'll be the first to buy one off you.
It's not about what one can make, it's about the length of the red tape to go through what stops me from doing it.
What steel do you use for the insert?

Shoot well
2 lug

Pic of my action ..JR..Jeff Rogers


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Very good Jeff

Pic of my action ..JR..Jeff Rogers

Do your bolts lock directly into the action or do they have an insert?
Like your rollers. Nice and simple and it saves all the machining of the opposite cams.
Well executed and very simple.

Shoot well
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Yo Jeff,

You should go into production on that aftermarket bolt stop :D:D:D That's a FINE looking custom unit!



Now you have a pic to go by tonyZ can chime in here, he's the master machinist ,not me ..JR
Nice Actions Guys.

My only question to Jeff is, "Does it work?" and you don't have to answer that for me, I just wanted Al to hear the answer.

My only statement to Al is, "It ain't a beauty contest baby. The only thing we care about look'n purtty is the targets."
Heyyyy, "Form follows Function" Baybeeee!

And mebbeso it ain't even the bolt stop eh??? I'm thinking that Peter's read is better than mine ;)


TonyZ...3 lugs??

Hi Tony,

What made you do 3 lugs? If this is a silly question please let me know but I am very curious why you chose to do so.
Thanks again,
John, to answer you about the three lug choice, would be simply i just wanted to see if i could get one to work at LR. No advantage really, and to make it smooth and quick i had to make up roller cocking pieces to get the bolt lift to what i would call acceptable. If i were to do one again, it would definetly be with a floating bolt head, that could be also interchangeable from standard to magnum.
Neither of these actions are anything special, i just stole a heap of ideas from a lot of actions i have played with over the years, and put them into the one package, or rather two. The single biggest advantage is the barrel tennon size, like the 10 x 2 BAT, which doesn't swell or lengthen as much when running the high pressure areas. This ultimately gives us longer case life.

To answer the other questions, Jeff holds the small group (4.7xx), high score one card (100.4) and six match group records in Aus (6.8xx). So i guess we can say it sorta like works. My three lugger owns the six match score agg and is only fair in the group side with a couple of five inchers to date. Both run the 300 Redneck cartridge, a long neck 35 degree shoulder 300 Win Mag. He runs the Bibs, i run the 200 SMK.

Tony Z.

ps, the extraction roller on the left side of aJRs action in the photos is recessed neatly into the action reciever and is not an afterthought add on item as it appears in these shots. This roller system can be adapted to many actions, and once used i doubt few would go back.
Using the full size three lug bolt, would have an advantage of the 60 degree position of the extractor if upward ejection is wanted.
If the bolt body is big enough a simmply tapped hole to receive the straight bolt handle would be more than adequit.
The bolt handle to have its bottom section (just above the thread) and 1mm longer than to the side of the receiver the turned down 2mm below the main handle diameter (or to make a resting shoulder). The middle part of this section to be relieved by 0.5mm and the whole section to have a longinual groove from one end to the other to allow a lubricant of choice to lube the precision fitted loose bushing made from a nitrided steel with 2mm thick walls would be probably just as simple and just as effective.
Should one want to spent the extra time and money this bushing and the handle could be treated with Titanium nitride (the gold look alike) and they would last for ever without any lubricant.
Thought, that more machining of the receiver rear end would be needed.

Exchangeble bolt heads, is a good idea. I personally preffer one piece bolt.
Nothing new, as everything was done already by many.
Do your bolts lock directly into the(steel) receiver or do you use inserts?

Shoot well
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Hi Phil, "Does it work" yep , seems to .. As to the true effectiveness , my guess is you would have to ask my fellow competitors..As to the looks , it's no 10x2 BAT thats for sure but i'm not much on the looks thing anyhow.. At the end '06 i got asked straight out by one of the past LR champs "why was the rifle so butt ugly", my answer was because it was the best i could make at home with my own hands ,i made it (with TZs help)..We shot 5 targets at that event and i could have still won the day if i only shot 4 of those targets..I finished a full 20% in front of the same people with the imported American rifles that had put down my gear down at the start of the shoot .. And you know i did remind them of that simple fact at the trophy presentations ..JR..Jeff Rogers
Nice Actions Guys.

My only question to Jeff is, "Does it work?" and you don't have to answer that for me, I just wanted Al to hear the answer.

My only statement to Al is, "It ain't a beauty contest baby. The only thing we care about look'n purtty is the targets."

Thanks Tony. Appreciate you taking the time.

And you too, Peter.
That's pretty funny there JR. Mine are ugly enough that you won't see pictures of em anywhere.

I have to tell ya that if you wanna have a contest to see who's got the ugliest gun, yer gonna loose. :D:D I'm not much into how they look either. Is the inside straight, yep, ok, the rest I could care or less.

I don't have the equipment to make a pretty action anyhow, or if I do, I'm not willing to spend that much time on it. To give you an idea of how little I care about the looks, mine never even got a cleanup cut on the material before I began. It was straight and round, and had been scarred up from handling with a forklift and it looks that way to this day. I did sand and file off the outside in the lathe to get rid of any high spots that would cause it to not chuck up straight. Past that, who cares.

I also ain't notorious for showing up at the range with car wax and aluminum polish either. :D