Remington Trigger Pin Spacing

Measuring a factory trigger housing I get about 1.428"...

I measured to the outside of the holes less .125".
Was that eyeballing the holes or measuring the outside of the pins inserted in a trigger?

I'd measure mine, but it is installed and I don't want to tear down the rifle right now. I am building a trigger hanger for another rifle and need the measurement to be as precise as possible.

Was that eyeballing the holes or measuring the outside of the pins inserted in a trigger?

I'd measure mine, but it is installed and I don't want to tear down the rifle right now. I am building a trigger hanger for another rifle and need the measurement to be as precise as possible.


That was using digital calipers in the holes... wiggled out tight...I measured to the outside of the holes less .125".
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In the trigger I have, new takeoff, the outside of the holes on one side is 1.545 and 1.548 on the other.
With new pins inserted that came with a Rifle Basix trigger.
The pins measure .123 and .1235 with the later fitting the holes very snugly.
With the pins in the trigger and measuring inside the housing I get 1.547 and if you take .123 off you get 1.424

Doing the reverse and measuring the inside of the pins in the housing and adding .123 I get 1.4265
I suspect my measuring is off or Remington quality control is no better than that.
I measured across the pins on my trigger with a micrometer and got 1.429 after deducting the pin size.
I have a print from a person who has wired EDM the Remington trigger and said the sides aren't exactly parallel. He took off the uneven material and left the holes .126 . He uses 1.429 for his measurement. Hope this helps.

Do you have any idea why Remington would use such a strange dimension for the spacing?
You have a PM

I'd call Jewell and Shilen and tell them that I'm building a trigger hanger and ask them what spacing THEY use for their triggers.
I've had no problems when using 1.430".
I got the print from one of the work books for TAOGART's gunsmith apprenticeship program, I believe it was done with a coordinate measuring machine.
With all the different hole spacing showing up I couldn't stand the suspense. I took a new Remington action and put it in a machining center and dialed in the trigger pin holes. with the scratches I still wasn't satisfied with the results.(1.426) I put 2 pins in the action and measured over them with a digital calipers then subtracted the pin diameter and the reading was 1.425. I looked at the holes in the trigger plate with a high magnifier and it looks like Remington punches the holes in the triggers. With punched holes the tolerance could be off by +.005/-.005 Hard to be very accurate. I am going to use 1.425 for my stuff. If someone knows for sure I would like to know.

There is a new unfired one here I just rebarrelled. 1.426 This one has a fluted firing pin BTW, have they done that for awhile?
I can check the 1963 action tomorrow, its stripped waiting for me to get to it.
I measured 3 Remington 700 triggers that I have on the shelf. I installed .125 dowel pins in the holes and measured over them. All 3 measure within .0005 of each other at 1.428
FWIW, I checked the 63 action and its also 1.426. Pins inserted, measured at .1250 and zero'd the caliper. I checked the caliper against a .0001 mic and it measured 1.4263. The pins both measure .1249 in a mic.