Remington lg rifle primer


John Scheets

I inherited 5k Rem lg rifle primers. I never see much written about them. Is there a reason? I'll be loading for a .308 gas gun. Any opinions...good or bad?
Thanks John
I`ve run thousands of them through my 708 and 260 Rems. (Rem 9 1/2) they seem a bit milder then Winchester or CCI but a good primer all the same.
I have shot them for 30 years.....

never had any problems. Primer storage can ruin problems if they are exposed to the extremes of heat and cold, add any moisture problems and kiss'em good bye.

You should plan on using up the primers, they work very well in a 308.
This is a very bad day to see this question asked. With my favorite .308 load they actually group better than most of the other primers but at a price.

I was in a Hunter BR match today (factory calss) and out of the 50 rounds I had loaded for the match 14 of them failed to fire.

At the start of the last relay I had 8 rounds left and only 4 worked. With 1 minute remaining I was out of ammo and still had one target that needed to be shot. I ran down the line and grabbed two rounds from a friend, I fired the first shot at the sighter and made a quick adjustment and in the last seconds I shot the last target for an 8. It ended well because I won the match but If I would have dropped that 10 points it would have been over for sure.

I went home and tried more Rem primers out of another NEW case and 1 out of 5 failed to fire. I tried another gun and had the same results (3 out of 10 failed). Bolt protrusion was .35 on one rifle and .46 on the other and both were hitting the primer hard.

As for storage, they were picked up in person from Grafs reloading, brought directly home and stay a constant dry 73 degrees in my house with 8000 other primers that dont misfire so I don't know what their problem is.

Its one thing to have problems in a match or playing around but if I waited all year or went out of state looking for the Buck of a lifetime and he got away because my gun wouldnt fire I would still be cursing about it.

I would say its hit and miss because I have had other cases in the past that I dont recall any failures, However I cant afford to take a chance on them anymore because I spend to much time and money in shooting sports to have a $3 package of primers ruin my day.
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Rem LR Primers

I have used them for years with no problems. Can't help you. I alsi use Federal and they are OK too./ I am now trying Winchester, I'll see if there is any diference.

To have 14 shots fail in the one day is monumental bad luck.
I would return the whole batch of primers to Graf & sons and ask for a replacement . Even if you bought them years ago they were still faulty when sold.
I have always found Graf & sons to be very honest and helpful.
If that don't work contact Remington and make a complaint .
If remington send out a rep and he asks to take the primers away for testing let him take them, As sometimes companies will identify the problem and send back new product in the old packaging and say that they have tested fine . You use them and they work fine. You scratch your head and think you are going nuts.
It is just a ploy to avoid admitting any faulty production has occured.
I have used thousands of Remington 7 1/2 and 9 1/2 primers and had no problems. I find them excellent for high pressure loads as they are quite strong and hard .
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About 10 years ago I was in a gun shop and a guy bought in a big box of new 22-250 rounds that had been buried in the ground for some time.
The area was subject to flooding and brackish (salty) water coming up from the nearby salt lakes.
I looked in the box and it was a real mess . There was about 500 rounds of ammo.
So I asked the guy if I could take them home and I would pull them apart.
He was happy to unload them.
I pulled some rounds apart for inspection and tried to fire some others.

What do you think would happen ?

Q1 /Which part of the round was the most affected by the horrible storage conditions?

Q2/ Which part of the round was the least affected by the horrible storage conditions?
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I have no idea, If I had to guess though I would say the powder would be most effected by drawing moisture and the primer being tightly sealed would be least effected?
Just guessing
Q1 The brass was likely corroded followed by the bullet
Q2 The powder was probably least affected since the moisture has to go thru everything else to reach it...but considering this came up in a primer thread...:)

I'm curious to see the affects garage storage has on my primers. I moved last June and the other day discovered the primers still packed away from the move sitting up on a shelf...They have seen temps ranging from the upper 40s to about 105...not sure if that is too extreme...the good part is very little humidity
Thankyou for the interesting replys , I will wait a bit longer before I post the outcome of the post mortem .
OK , I pulled some of the rounds appart and cleaned up and tried to fire some of the better ones that looked Ok from outside. Also reloaded some better cases with new projectile and powder.

The rounds I pulled appart showed about 80 % full failure of the powder from moisture inside and the remaining 20% varied from firing a projectile a short way or it lodged in the bore to giving some recoil.
Only a few gave what felt like a reasonable shot.

About 90% failure of the case either before or after firing.
Many had cracks appearing in the neck and shoulder to even fine long cracks in the wall of the case on some.
Only a few cases survived firing intact about 10%.
About 60% of projectiles were so corroded and pitted that they would have poor accuracy.
!00% of projectiles were corroded or pitted to some degree.
100% of cases had corrosion or pitting or cracking to some degree.
95% of powder loads I tried failed to ignite or ignited very poorly.
Some projectiles were corroded to the case neck and stuck.

Of the cases that were fired as is or reloaded with new powder and projectiles or emptied out and just the primer tested .
The majority of all primers worked OK as far as I could tell.
The cases that were reloaded but with the original primer seemed to shoot normal ( except for case cracking etc).
I did not test for vellocity and accuracy as I never intended for the inspection to go that far initially.
However I was fairly convinced by this that good quality sealed primers are a lot more rugged than we are led to believe.
Even if all primers were affected in some way to make them less accurate at least the majority did not fail 100%.
Congratulations " nonliberal " you are spot on in my opinion.
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