The basic idea of electric ignition has plenty of merit. eliminate the striker assembly and the associated upward lift of the back of the bolt, the uneven bolt lug loading, the momentum effect of accelerating the striker, the mechanical chain of parts involved in allowing the process to happen, etc. Imagine how easy it would be to fire form improved cases without the firing pin forcing the case toward the front of the chamber. The trigger should be easily adjustable down to a negligible weight and be able to set up as 2 stage if desired.
Remington blundered in introducing the concept in a hunting rifle with a "Lawyer trigger". It will take the prospect of a big market to get one of the big names to produce the primers; unlikely at this point. What is needed is high quality electronic primers. The rest of it would not be so difficult.
It is a shame that such an innovation can not be developed in bench rest rifles. I hope that it is just a matter of time.