Rem 40X



CMP still have some heavy barrel 40X for sale at $475 plus shipping, I got a couple.

those USMC at that price were a steal, glad I stayed home today.:D
I got an HB. Wished I could have got a USMC. But I will keep watching.
I got an HB and SB.
I would get a stripped barreled receiver but I don't have any Idea were to get a bolt.
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Where do you find theas guns for sale from the cmp
You can get bolts from Dave Kiff $225, but the stripped barrelled receivers are $200, so you do the math. And, the 4 I got a couple months ago when they say stripped, they mean stripped, no bolt stop, no ejector, man, if I knew then what I know now? Thanks, Douglas
I have 2 HB's reserved?
Does anyone know if this is kept up on real time??
I have all my paper work and will send out in the A.M..
Best one stays stock other goes in for a re-build.
So what's the hot bbl right now??
Still breaking in my Broughton:D
It doesn't take much.
The requirements are pretty simple and if you are a veteran or currently in the military they are even simpler.

A striped HB model is $350 once you buy a trigger, bolt, stock and the rest it is a couple of hundred cheaper to buy one that is already put together.

it will not surprise when these rifles start showing up in January to hear, this rifle may not have ever been shot. the shortened stocks all will have been but don't be surprised if some of the shortened stocks haven't been set back and re-chambered. the stocks may not be the greatest but I'll bet the bores are immaculate.
this site from team 40x is a good source of info, just click on good read. the right collumn 40x range master download manual is a must read.
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This is one I bought from cmp south yesterday. This is one of the nicer ones.

DSCN0962.jpg nice rifle, I think a lot of guys are going to be happy, still showing 50 rifles at the north store with only two days left before shut down. this is the one I'm working on now. before
DSCN0964.jpg almost finished, maybe one more coat. hard to see in the pics but it has an undercoat of 1 drop scarlet rit dye mixed with isopropyl alchol. next one I do I may let a little more cherry tinge.
for james wilson, go to cmp home, then sales, then surplus rifles and estore.