Registration and Contact Info For Group Nationals??

jackie schmidt

New member
Where on the NBRSA Web Site is the info and Registration Form for the Group Nationals? I need to register and see about a RV spot.
My latest magazine is April. Not in there.

I can’t believe it’s not on the Web Site. The Short Range Score has their info up.
2019 NBRSA Group Nationals Registration

Hello all,
I should have the registration available by the end of the day or tomorrow. I am just finishing and confirming a few details. Sorry for the delay. I will post it he once it is finished.

Matt Schwartzkopf
As I receive entry forms for Nationals I will place the names of the shooters of the entry forms that I have received at

The list will be in alphabetical order by last name. If you have sent in your registration and do not see your name on the list please contact me at


Have been trying to find out if I'm registered for the Nationals. Can't open that spreadsheet and can't get Matt to respond to an email. Does anyone have any ideas about how to find out or get somebody on the phone or does anybody know if I can just pay up when I get there.
