Redding Small Base die question

Does anyone know the dimension of the base on the Redding 6 mm ppc small base die? I can't seem to locate that information. I put a call into Redding last week but never got a response.

Don't expect a call back from Redding. Now that Patrick Ryan is gone the guy who took his place is hatefull!!!

Simply take a couple of fired cases and send them to Lynwood Harrell.
Thanks for the response. I didn't get a call back from Redding. That is why I asked the question here. Does anyone know the diameter of the base on the Redding 6 mm small base die. I already have a Harrel #3 and need a bit more sizing at the base. I have a Redding 6 ppc full length die. It looks like the base is .438. (as close as I can measure). I am wondering what the diameter of the small base version is.

I've got a brand new Redding bushing-type small base die, part no. 77211. As near as I can measure, it's .436 at the very bottom just above the chamfer. Ended up with a Harrell die and never used the Redding.

With regards the Harrells dies, does anyone know the size of the die in relation to the number?
Lynnwood says their dies are based off the JGS 1045 reamer print. For example the Harrell #1 is 0.001 smaller, the #2 is 0.002" smaller, the #3.5 is 0.0035" smaller, etc.
The most common reamer they sell is the #3, but it is best to send them a couple of fired cases.

He told me someone sent him fired cases that were 0.005" larger than the standard. He guessed someone chambered that barrel without using a floating pusher and this is not uncommon.
yes i have a redding sb die..
i do not have an accurate way to measure that hole without a ref distance from the bottom....
somewhere around 436
My Redding SB die measures just a tad under 433" at the base. However, this is taken using calipers and not inside ball mics so it may not be that accurate. But the relationship between the Redding and Harrells dies is easy to compare and measure. The RSB die squeezes the base of my brass about the same amount as a Harrells #3 die. Of course, your mileage may vary depending on how new your brass is and what lot #.
Earl, a little different approach than what you were asking, but I've been using a 6 PPC finish reamer that measures .439" at the .200 datum line. It seems to work well with the Redding type S small base die. I shot the same brass on different weekends for 4 matches and wasn't getting the click at the top of the bolt stroke. With another reamer and a different die, I would start getting the click towards the end of one match. It also wasn't sizing the small base die wasn't sizing the brass excessively as it did if I used a reamer that was .441" at the .200 datum line.
Thanks for the responses. I obtained a Redding small base die yesterday. The documentation inside the box said that the small base die has the same dimensions as the full length die with the only difference being that the small base die does not size the neck. Since I already have a Redding full length die, the small base die won't help me any. I now have another Harrel's die on the way.
Thanks for the responses. I obtained a Redding small base die yesterday. The documentation inside the box said that the small base die has the same dimensions as the full length die with the only difference being that the small base die does not size the neck. Since I already have a Redding full length die, the small base die won't help me any. I now have another Harrel's die on the way.

There is a difference between the dies marked 6 PPC USA full length and the small base die #77211. I turned a piece of barrel down to just start in the base of the 77211 and it miked .438".
My measurement method for the two Redding dies was to take an old retired case and put it in the Full Length die as far as it would go by hand. Then I took a utility knife and scribed a line around the case at the base of the die. I removed the case and put it in the small base die. The mark left by the knife ended up exactly in the same spot leading me to the conclusion that the bases of both the full length die and the small base die were the same. I took the marked case and tried it in a Redding Type S die. The case went into the die farther that the other two. My conclusion there is that the Type S dies have a larger base. I haven't tried the case fit in a small base, type s die yet. I will try and do that sometime this week. My method may not result in exact measurement data but I believe it is a valid compasion of die bases.
There are flaws in all systems - including measurement systems. My crude comparasion methodology was based upon the fact that I have limited measurement capability and was looking for a "quick and dirty" comparasion of die base dimensions. The point where the scribed line was on the case measured somewhere close to .438 on a set of cheap calipers. Since that was in the ball park of what I expected it to measure (on my cheap calipers), I concluded that it was indeed being stopped at the base. I am not advocating this method for measuring dies or anything else. It worked for me in this instance. If there is a better method for doing the comparasion, I am open to hearing it.

I guess you missed the part of the last post that said "I have limited measurement capability and was looking for a "quick and dirty" comparasion of die base dimensions." Does not the tapered case with a witness mark at the base accomplish the same thing?
Thanks for the responses. I obtained a Redding small base die yesterday. The documentation inside the box said that the small base die has the same dimensions as the full length die with the only difference being that the small base die does not size the neck. Since I already have a Redding full length die, the small base die won't help me any. I now have another Harrel's die on the way.

Your FL die is not a type S (bushing die)?

If it is, then they must have changed something dimensionally because my Redding FL type s die squeezes the base of brass about .0015" less than my type s small base die does. I bought both of them together about 5 years ago.........
I have a Redding full length sizing die (stated in the 3rd post) It is not a bushing (type s) die. The original question was the size of the base on the redding small base die. Since that original post, I have looked at the documentation in the Redding small base die box and it stated that the small base die was identical to the full length die with the exception that the small base die does not touch the neck at all. That has been confirmed to my satisfaction. Again, these are not type S dies.