


Hello I wonder who is better reamer manufacturer for ppc? thanks
There is no answer to this. Moreover, BR Central has a policy of NOT recommending one gunsmith, stocker, reamer maker, etc. over another.

Now I'll bet that about 5-6 people will ignore this, and give their favorite. And I'll delete them. It is absolutely unfair to the cratfsmen who furnish products for Benchrest to be labelled as "best" by some of the some of the people who frequent this forum.
Since this super moderator seems to have a problem with this post , because you asked for the Best reamer manufacturer,(and I have seen numerous discussions on this board about reamers and manufacturers) perhaps you should ask on another forum because this guy wants to prevent you from entering the Benchrest community! I think you meant what reamer manufacturer do we prefer may have been a better way to ask your question, the supermoderator is perhaps a college educated person with a major in english,at any rate if you want to send me a pm I will try to assist you in your choice of a reamer used by many that post on this site. Always remember the mind is like a parachute and it always works best when open!
Thank you Charles E for your threat I am sure this guy appreciated it ! You could have responded to this in a different manner but in this instance you choose to be a jerk!
It is always a no-win situation. If I do my job, and am nice about it, people ignore the request. Then posts get deleted, and people get mad about that. If I am more "compelling," other people get mad about being rude.

I'm quickly reaching the point where I'm just going to stop reminding people of BR Central's rules. Just say nothing, delete the offending posts, & let Wilbur sort it out.

* * *

How about redefining the question, and providing a list of reamer makers who, over the years, have been used by the benchrest community. We can do this without damaging anyone's reputation; without hurting anyone's business.

I can start, others can add to it.

In alphabetical order, I can only think of 5 remaining in the U.S.:

Hugh Henriksen
Dave Manson
Pacific Tool & Gauge

Various people will have favorites, and complaints. In that case, do as Steelhead suggests, and send a private message.

You're a big kid and don't need me to protect you, and I know that my opinion isn't worth much but, I think you handled this thread appropriately. Steelhead1's comments and name-calling were off base and he owes you an apology.


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Thanks Ray. Yeah, he called me a college boy. Well, I did go to college, but I'm a tradesman. Jerry Sharrett (another tradesman) uses better English than me. I don't buy into this new fad that a right-thinking American has to be stupid.

Meanwhile, with Dan Green now working for JGS (or last I heard), can you think of any other reamer makers comfortable with the BR community?
Ray as Max is an Italian benchrest shooter with english not being his strongest virtue maybe we can keep from being ugly americans and simply help him out.I realise this is his second post which means he should post using better english than most americans post here but really.
Is this what Wilbur is truly after or what benchrest shooters from other countries should expect to be treated like here?

As far as helping people out, you need to limit using such posts to express your vitriolic hatred of me.

Max did nothing wrong, nor were my words aimed at him. The "threat" was aimed at people who would respond to his post, saying XYZ or ABC is the "best" reamer grinder.

As I understand it, you were cheated out of a win at the Nationals by people not following the rules. With that experience, it is hard to understand why you're only in favor of rules when they are to your liking.

If you think a particular reamer grinder best, send Max a private message. I'll allow I should have put that in my original post.
I don't believe Charles intention was to give Max a hard time, someone has to enforce policy and as Charles tried to point out it is not a easy or rewarding task to try to accomplish. I am not very intelligent but I could tell by the question being asked that it would immediately be headed in the wrong direction and against this sites policy.

In regards to steelheads response I am in total agreement with Ray, he could have responded to this in a different manner but in this instance he chose to be the jerk!

Charles E
If you knew what I did for a living You would know I follow the rules all of the time and not just here.I also don't have any hatred towards you.I think you are being a little bit far reaching in your duties here towards a poster with two posts under his belt who uses english as a second or third language.
Wilbur and I have a gentlemans agreement about the rules breaking that occurred and I will honor that agreement by not answering any of your questions.

I hope somebody answers your question by PM(Private Message) and that this behaviour doesn't keep you from competing or asking questions in the future.95% of the shooters at any match are truly nice people who are helpful to the best of there ability.
Look at the match reports see who is winning and send them a e-mail.Guys like Jack Neary or Joe Krupa would be my first choices.
I am not concerned with the fact that some of you think that I responded to Charles E the way I did! My concern was that here's a person from another country,obviously trying to garner information and Charles threatened to delete any answer that was posted to help this guy out. remember it was only he second post and he only signed up in April of this year. The NBRSA's mission statement #4 say's "to assist and encourage any INDIVIDUAL or ORGANIZATION in the promotion of benchrest shooting". Does anyone out there really think that Charles E's comment or threat rose to this level of cooperation, because I don't. There are other way's that charles could have responded that would have helped this guy out. I don't know Charles E and have never met him I have read many posts by him, but I took exception to his response in this one instance.
I could also have responded in a more kindly way but didn't.
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Hi Max,

Welcome to the forum. I do not post very often, but have used this forum to inform myself from some very knowledgable people. I am sure that all the reamer manufacturers listed on reply 4 are all excellent. If you want one made, I would talk to your gunsmith and ask him if he already has a reamer that fits your specifications. If not, then you have to look at how long will it take for the manufacturer to grind a reamer for you, and the time frame when you need it. Some times these questions become which is better, Mercedes or BMW and of course the answer will always be (enter your favorite here).
There is no answer to this. Moreover, BR Central has a policy of NOT recommending one gunsmith, stocker, reamer maker, etc. over another.

You have got to be kidding! I have seen at least a 1000 threads where people posted what they liked. I agree the policy is no bad mouthing of a specific person, Vendor , or manufacturer but when we cannot state our personal preference we might as well fold this thing up and go home. When somebody states what they feel is best in most cases here it is the only one they have tried so I agree "Best " is a bad term to use but until Wilbur tells me otherwise I see no problem with somebody posting a name of a supplier they like.

From a pure machinist point of view, there isn't a bit of difference in any reamer made by any reputable manufacturer. Every now and then they all will let a less than perfect item out the door, but that is true for all machine shop related items. So more often than not it comes down to who can get you what you want in a timely fashion.

That seems to be the big problem at this time. We all got spoiled a while back when you could make a phone call, and have a custom reamer in 3 weeks. It is now more like 3 months, if you are lucky.

Clymer has been around since I was a kid, but they have never been known to cater to the specialty groups that Benchrest represents. JGS does cater to to specialty disciplines, as does Pacific Tool. Both of these do understand the subtle differences that many of us demand, and understand the game.

I have always steered clear of the smaller, more exclusive club of Reamer Grinders, mainly because when someone actually brags about taking 8 months to fill an order, it rubs me the wrong way. If I ran my business like that, I would not be in business.

I feel safe in saying that while I cannot say who is the 'best", I certainly have no qualms about saying that JGS and Pacific Tool will give you what you want at a very competitive price, and depending on the workload, in a timely manner..........jackie
When somebody states what they feel is best in most cases here it is the only one they have tried so I agree "Best " is a bad term to use but until Wilbur tells me otherwise I see no problem with somebody posting a name of a supplier they like.

I suppose that's right. Early on, back in the 1990s, I was guilty of that, and got into a lot of trouble, and over reamer grinders. Specifically, I got into trouble not because I said who I liked, but who I didn't like. Both Wilbur and a couple good gunsmiths got all over my behind, and rightly so. Wound up doing a fair bit of public apologizing, but whatever damage was done couldn't be undone.

Now Dick, you know this board. What are the odds that a discussion of the original post could be had without somebody trashing a supplier? Or, as you say, with a number of people who have only one brand coming on and stating their brand is *best*? The number of people truly qualified to answer the question is quite small, and does not include me. I only have abut 10 reamers. Moreover, I only do my own work, the number of times I've used those reamers is quite small.

Still, I've learned something from this thread.

In any subsequent post of this type, any warning/reminder should be limited to "no public trashing of a vendor." Moreover, it should include the reminder that sending anything in a PM is just fine. A PM is like an email, a private exchange between two individuals.
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Oh the irony.
Charles threatens to delete any post making a recommendation, then recommends JGS. That's funny right there.;)

Thanks Ray. Yeah, he called me a college boy. Well, I did go to college, but I'm a tradesman. Jerry Sharrett (another tradesman) uses better English than me. I don't buy into this new fad that a right-thinking American has to be stupid.

Meanwhile, with Dan Green now working for JGS (or last I heard), can you think of any other reamer makers comfortable with the BR community?

FWIW, I didn't take it that Charles was promoting JGS, but that he was discussing the list of reamer makers that was posted earlier. To wit, asking if there was another maker that should be added.


Greg J.
Oh the irony.
Charles threatens to delete any post making a recommendation, then recommends JGS. That's funny right there.;)

I didn't recommend JGS. I've never used JGS. Which doesn't mean I don't recommend them. This ain't presidential race, guys. You can't read the world into every utterance.

That said, Dan Green was one of the old, independent reamer grinders benchrest people used, but he shut down his shop, and as far as I know, hasn't opened a new one. If he has, he should go on the list.
....My question is simple ... do not want to create problems! maybe I'm Italian excuse to write bad ....I met Jack Neary and Wayne Campbell WBC11,and all other shooters and give them a simple question simple answer.excuse me but I still do not know your rules
I'd bet good many that any 500 regular viewerss here could tell you his favorite gunsmith and his favorite bullet maker as well.I think they have both been mentioned atleast twice in the last 10 years.lolroflmao.

Dick Grosbier
Amen brother

I'll send you a PM with your answer.
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