reamer 6ppc thoughts


New member
It has been a while since I shot my bench gun and would like to maybe do a few shoots over the summer.
I noticed some guys have been using 268 - 270" necks rather than the 262 or 263 which has always been quite popular.
The thought of turning necks only a few thous rather than all the way down to 262 kind of sways me over to the thicker necks.

I would like to rebarrel my old witchita with one of my own barrels and I would like to buy a reamer .

The feeling I am getting is that a lot of shooters have switched over to the larger necks .
Right now I'm thinking maybe 268 nk .... any thoughts on this?

Also I should add I will likely be shooting 68gr bergers as there are lots of them left in my bullet drawer lol.
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The 262 neck isn't magic. I once ask Ferris Pindell why the 262 since the tooling I had bought from him was all 266. He said the reason for the 262 is that the brass they had then it took 262 to clean up. From about 2002 till last year I shot 266 necks and I still favor 262, just because.

Get hold of Dave Kiff or Hugh Henriksen and get a standard 1045 grinding and go with that. Thats a 262 neck and about 0.055 freebore.That will work day in abd day out!!!!
Chet, I have been shooting

a .270 neck chamber for the last 5 years. I used to shoot a .262 because that was "what you had to have"
Why do you need to turn all that extra brass off? You don't need to.
Just my thoughts.
Richard Brensing
I got a reamer from PTG called "Pure Magic". It has a .268 neck and also has a slightly larger diameter (.4414) just above the extractor groove. This is to eliminate the "click" on extraction. I'm having two barrels chambered with this reamer now. I'll see how it works soon.
Thanks for the replies always nice to hear what others can offer for advice. I called PTG and they had a 6ppc reamer in stock with a .268 nk and .035 freebore @ .2435 with 1 1/2 deg , hopefully will see it in a few weeks .
With the short freebore it will give me the option to throat if needed.

I will probably make the barrel next week and have it ready , kind of looking forward to shoot some BR again it's been a while.
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Thanks for the replies always nice to hear what others can offer for advice. I called PTG and they had a 6ppc reamer in stock with a .268 nk and .035 freebore @ .2435 with 1 1/2 deg , hopefully will see it in a few weeks .
With the short freebore it will give me the option to throat if needed.

I will probably make the barrel next week and have it ready , kind of looking forward to shoot some BR again it's been a while.

The trend seems to be toward longer throats, I went back to a .055, I know one very good shooter. ( with emphasis on very good), who uses a .070.
Jackie , the throat is short you're right on that and the reason I ordered it was because it was on the shelf and needed it rather quickly for another job.
My current barrel has a 262 nk and at least .070" freebore my plan was to use a throater to make up the difference if needed.

Thanks for the input I was kind of wondering where it should be and was just guessing really.
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Wondering if the longer throat translates to shooters seating bullets to just touching or in a small amount instead of a hard jam then backing out?
overall length

I think this ptg .268 will require more attention to trim length as my diagram shows a 1.500
Lots of reamers are 1.505 or 1.510? I will carry my wilson for a 1.490 trim and stay on top of it.?
I think this ptg .268 will require more attention to trim length as my diagram shows a 1.500
Lots of reamers are 1.505 or 1.510? I will carry my wilson for a 1.490 trim and stay on top of it.?

Some shooters that use the 1.500" chamber have a dedicated fireforming barrel with a longer (1.515 to 1.540) neck so that they don't need to trim the neck length before forming. Lapua 220 Russian usually comes about 1.515 but I have had some as long as 1.530. It shortens up to less than 1.500 when fireformed.
SGS I remember the last time I formed brass from 220 Russian they all ended up being short , someone told me that lightly oiling the cases would help them from shrinking to much , I wonder if there is any truth to this.
SGS I remember the last time I formed brass from 220 Russian they all ended up being short , someone told me that lightly oiling the cases would help them from shrinking to much , I wonder if there is any truth to this.

How short are they?

I've done some other stuff but never oiled the entire case. Seems a little over the edge but I don't know - never oiled any!
Wilbur It has been a few years but I remember them coming out short by maybe 20 thous or so maybe it was more I don't remember for sure.
I have never tried lightly oiling the cases myself but it could have Been Tony Boyer who wrote about it in his book .

Next time I fireform from 220 Russian I am going to give it a try.