Rcbs charge master

Maybe Jerry. They are a handy gadget.

More coffee.. Heck it is afternoon here in Poland time for lunch.

Mike~ have you stuck an oscilloscope on that battery while connected to AC power? Most batteries do not react to surges very fast or filter any variances out. When I get home will have to run it out on the test bench. Maybe throw a electrolytic and tantalum capacitor across the leads to acts as filters. My first power supply was using a capacitor array and would run for 8 hours but could charge in 55 seconds.

Dale, only with a dvom. It smoothed out the power to the unit vs. the power supply. The very simple fix, if one is needed, is to not charge the battery while the unit is hooked to it. In fact, I make them that way. If one wants to charge while running the unit, they'll need an additional cord with alligator clips, etc. As is, you either plug the battery to the cm unit or to the charger.
That said, the fused model should protect the cm from a big surge.
Maybe Jerry. They are a handy gadget.

More coffee.. Heck it is afternoon here in Poland time for lunch.

Mike~ have you stuck an oscilloscope on that battery while connected to AC power? Most batteries do not react to surges very fast or filter any variances out. When I get home will have to run it out on the test bench. Maybe throw a electrolytic and tantalum capacitor across the leads to acts as filters. My first power supply was using a capacitor array and would run for 8 hours but could charge in 55 seconds.

Poland, do you still have family there?

There is supposed to be a big storm front moving that way isn't there?
Poland, do you still have family there?

There is supposed to be a big storm front moving that way isn't there?

My wife is from Poland. We are here with her mother. We lost her father and my hunting partner this past August. This is a strange Christmas without going to all of the hunting syndicate formal hunts. And hunting under the moonlight for boar and fox. He is sorely missed. It is cold here for sure and will be for a while.
My wife is from Poland. We are here with her mother. We lost her father and my hunting partner this past August. This is a strange Christmas without going to all of the hunting syndicate formal hunts. And hunting under the moonlight for boar and fox. He is sorely missed. It is cold here for sure and will be for a while.

We've hijacked the ell out of this thread, sorry bout that.

My wife's father was my prime hunting buddy too.
One other option is to go to a batteries plus store and have them make you a battery pack. They could use a li-ion battery and you'd have a battery the size of an obamaphone that would last for days.