Ray Wild passes...

Dick Wright

New member
Ray's son, Grant, called Glorya yesterday and said his dad had died while on a trip to Texas. He said he had talked to Ray just a couple of hours previously and they had talked about going on another big game hunt this coming year. He said Ray seemed fine and was very positive. He suffered a heart attack and was gone soon after the phone call.

Ray was one of the first shooters at the Harrison Sportsmans' Club and, years back, travelled the benchrest circuit. He won the first benchrest match ever held at our club. Health problems have kept him from doing much shooting the last few years. When he couldn't shoot he would occasionally show up at a match just to visit.
Well Damn,

Ray was one of the Good Guys and that is for sure, we will miss him.

Paul, Eric, Francis
I had heard from a woman at work about his passing Thursday, but nobody had any details. I talked to Larry Friday and he was also very surprised. Ray was a good guy and loved to talk about shooting and guns.

I am very sorry to hear of Ray's passing. He was a good friend. I was just at his house last fall looking at some equipment he wanted to sell. He looked great and was full of life. I got my old Stolle rifle from him back in 93, the only one I ever won a hall of fame point with. I will miss Ray. My prayers are with
Grant and Ray's family. Larry
I too recently made acquaintance with Ray and found him to be a most gracious, kind individual who obviously had a great love of this sport.

As it is said, we are diminished. :(
I am deeply saddened:
I just received a phone call today asking me if I knew that Ray had passed…for some reason I never saw this posting…. I cannot say enough about him, friend, mentor, all around gentleman…I always tried to stop and see him after attending a Harrison match and if not possible I would call him, those phone conversations would last an hour and a half…. He gave his time and knowledge freely and will be greatly missed…. My prayers are with his family. Rick