Tim Singleton
How important is it to shoot with a rail to gain wind reading experience?
How important is it to shoot with a rail to gain wind reading experience?
I know you well enough now to know you would really enjoy playing with a rail gun. If you want a rail then by all means go get one. Lots of them out there to be had. Some really expensive, some not so bad. You have a passion for this game, so go enjoy it!!! Lee
Thanks for the replys.
That's what I was thinking. At this point as I'm learning to read conditions a lot of times im not sure it was the conditions that caused a problem or me.
Catch myself going in circles seems like
Tim, I think a lot of newer BR shooters experience this as well,I know I did. A rail gun is a great tool to help ones BR learning curve along. A front rest and rear bag sporter rifle set up should mimic the way a rail gun behaves under recoil & return to battery. Gun handling skills are learned as well,rails need to be handled carefully with consistent trigger pull,not just monkey bashed (try shooting a rail with your thumb pinning the gun against the front stop,groups suffer.Try pushing the trigger left or right,ditto). Tuning skills are learned as well,for a rail to be competitive it has to just "drill" tiny holes match after match,if groups start to open up in good conditions you will learn to make adjustments to get it back in tune.You will see how temp,humidity,pressure changes throughout the day effect the performance of your loads.Your Cleaning regimen will also be examined as 10 shot groups and the fouling build up they create will show up in your barrels performance.Wind reading skills and the timing of when to shoot and most importantly,when not to shoot, will reap the benefits of a well tuned honest gun that does exactly what you expect it to do when you pull the trigger. A rail made a big difference in my BR education,I'm sure it will for you as well.
Tim you gonna' be at Polk Co tomorrow?
If you don't shoot rail guns your really missing out. My wife and I have travelled and shot for 40 years. A "good" rail is the most fun you can have in this sport. When we go out to the range to have a great time,we take our rails. Just because you did well once against a rail I don't think you want to take it for granted its going to happen all the time.