
Chief City Shooters Club in Illinois hasn't had any SOTY postings since June 2nd. Our State and Regional tournaments on June 28 & 29 has had double posting for a long time with no changes even though notification of the problem have been sent several times by different people. I wish the Midwest could get posted as quick as the east and southeast regions do.
First off I do not show you scheduled for any match on June 28Th
Yep you do have Double Posting on the 29th & 30th!
Guess Why!
You shot both a State & Regional on those days.

Maybe take a minute to review before complaining??
If you have any questions feel free to give me an Email or Call.
(I only help Rachel & have no standing in IR50/50)

PS I did not review the SOTY but if you contact me I will look at that also.
Good advice.....

first off i do not show you scheduled for any match on june 28th
yep you do have double posting on the 29th & 30th!
Guess why!
You shot both a state & regional on those days.

Maybe take a minute to review before complaining??
If you have any questions feel free to give me an email or call.
(i only help rachel & have no standing in ir50/50)

ps i did not review the soty but if you contact me i will look at that also.

before complaining.....find out what it takes to run a match.......and list results.....
Alot more to it than coming and shooting......
Why not volunteer to post results.....????

First off I do not show you scheduled for any match on June 28Th
Yep you do have Double Posting on the 29th & 30th!
Guess Why!
You shot both a State & Regional on those days.

Maybe take a minute to review before complaining??
If you have any questions feel free to give me an Email or Call.
(I only help Rachel & have no standing in IR50/50)

PS I did not review the SOTY but if you contact me I will look at that also.

Really? Does this mean that the system has changed? I have offered my help many times. Im not trying to start any trouble here, I , like many others, would like to see the scores posted, thats all. If we post the scores from the matches that we shoot in..thats one thing,but what about the list's? I know some of the veteran shooters really dont give a sh about it, but Im a new shooter and this sport is the high point of my life! " yeah.....sorry, it's true. I know there has been computer problems in the past, about a month, back in 11, it got fixed. I think everybody involved would like to see the IR 50/50 grow , rite? I agree in that it retracts from the fun when you can only see scores from a few select matches.I still like to see the list's of competitors, win a match, get a pin,see how everyone else does & talk about it afterwards. So yes , in all respect, I am complaining, I did review,& Im sure there is a lot involved in the process. Maybe somebody should get a cut of the match fee's to add some incentive to running the site. Just my opinion. Again....Not trying to cause trouble, just frustrated. Ed.
Is there a fundamental reason results cannot be posted within a week or two? This would not seem unreasonable.
Is there a fundamental reason results cannot be posted within a week or two? This would not seem unreasonable.

Well put, or...asked Tim. I guess I dont need to Rant about it. Thanx.
First off I do not show you scheduled for any match on June 28Th
Yep you do have Double Posting on the 29th & 30th!
Guess Why!
You shot both a State & Regional on those days.

Maybe take a minute to review before complaining??
If you have any questions feel free to give me an Email or Call.
(I only help Rachel & have no standing in IR50/50)

PS I did not review the SOTY but if you contact me I will look at that also.

Doug...my mistake on the dates. The State and Regional was June 29th and 30th. That wasn't posted for some time and I was getting calls from Minnesota and Wisconsin guy's that come down to shoot our tournament wondering why we couldn't get our tournament posted. Last year we had the same problem so this year the person in charge of sending in results sent separate score for State and Regional. The results were put up correctly for approx. 2 weeks and than the double posting appeared again. Prior to the results being put up the first time I emailed Rachel and asked if there was something we were doing wrong on our end, and if there was to please let me know and I would talk to the person in charge of sending scores in. I didn't hear anything back. I don't have computer skills or I would help if I could. The SOTY scores not posted are July 7th and Aug. 4th.

Doug...I know you are not involved, but I do appreciate the help with the posting you have given in the past and now the present. This is not the first time you have stepped in and helped with getting us back on track. Thank you for helping.
Yes, there's a fundamental reason - something else having priority. Job, school, illness....life in general, and not enough there to pay someone to make it top priority. Secondary (but maybe the most fundamental), it simply wears you down. Match results are relentless. There was a time when the results came in a monthly newsletter - partial results. Everybody seemed content with that but I ruined it by posting full results on the website. Problems ever since.

I've just about got a working version for self posted match results - except it's for centerfire group benchrest. Doing that first because if I can get that working, rimfire scores will be a walk in the park. I hope to have it complete for rimfire by the start of next season. Hope it works on several levels as I know for sure you folks would enjoy such and I've expended significant folding money trying to make it happen. I've been working on this for years and I'm almost there...or closer than I've ever been...

Doug Weeter has provided much appreciated support and assistance for a long long time. We owe him big.
Match Results in a Timely Manner

Scoring a Match & submitting the Results.

1. Use the Scoring Program (Ver15 or Later)
2. Read & Understand the Instructions once in awhile!
3. Enter the Correct Date or Dates.
4. Enter the Range
5. Enter the Type of Match
6. Enter the Event
7. If a Double SOTY ~OR ~ a Double Club – Chk the box.
8. Check the LookUp Table to make sure your shooters names are spelled correctly
9. Make sure the scores are entered correctly
10. Create an E-Mail file and email to Rachel in a timely manner.

Guess What – Over 15% of the Match Results that Rachel receives has a problem because the Match Director and the Shooters did not check that all of the above was correct BEFORE submitting the Results!
IR50/50 is very fortunate that Rachel can catch a lot of these mistakes before the results are uploaded to the website. The big headache is having to sort through over 12,000 lines of match results in the database to fix problems after the results have been uploaded.

Now also consider the first two lines of Wilbur’s Post above & you might get some Idea why sometimes the Match Results are a little slow in getting posted.

This post is not meant as an excuse or a total explanation but just something to think about now and in the future.

I chose to be in the lumber business When the boards got heavy I was still in the lumber business.
I chose to be in the lumber business When the boards got heavy I was still in the lumber business.

Which has always been the bottom line when this comes up. Trust when I say it's more "work" for an individual to attend a match than it is to put a whole weekend of scores on the website. It's just more fun to shoot than it is to post scores. If it wasn't, there wouldn't be any scores to post.

Anybody that shows up to shoot deserves more than all the benchrest programs combined has to offer.
Scoring results

I agree with Wilbur's post for the most part (that's unusual). There are too many things going on at the top; I would be happy to see the old days for $15 a year (well since Obama, $25 a year) If you want to make money in a business you have to work harder. As Harry Truman said :"If it's too hot in the kitchen, get out"). As far as the "incomplete result" comment, I'm sure with Milt and Helen that was rare and it is true we got the results at the end of the month along with comments from the rangemasters. It was interesting reading also interesting to see how equipment and ammo varied from club to club. I reiterate that all clubs should use Version 15 and a rangemaster or designated nerd should forward the results to Rachel to qualify as a sanctioned club. Being mild mannered, I was annoyed that after going to a state championship and doing well, I got nothing after the 520 mile round trip. Fortunately, another club rangemaster volunteered to give me the pins- yup, I like pins. Next weekend is a 600 mile round trip- I hope we're caught up by then as far as scores and pins. I appreciate all the work that Doug and Wilbur have put into this endeavor, but it has hit a large brick wall and great thought has to be given to remedying this situation ASAP. What I see happening now is local shooters going to local club matches and traveling only to state and regional matches, especially to get the diluting HOF points.
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Found some Chief City resuls

Looking through the database, I found some Chief City scores with 7/9 dates. That was a Tuesday so I doubt the date is correct. In retrospect, I wish I hadn't written that program to do a schedule match and not display an incorrect date. I think my evil un-trusting internal twin did that to keep y'all from slipping in an extra SOTY match. :)

If you think the 7/9 scores are actually the scheduled 7/7 scores, I'll write Rachel for permission to fix it. That hard holding John Spafford came out on top for the 3 Gun in those 7/9 dated results.
Looking through the database, I found some Chief City scores with 7/9 dates. That was a Tuesday so I doubt the date is correct. In retrospect, I wish I hadn't written that program to do a schedule match and not display an incorrect date. I think my evil un-trusting internal twin did that to keep y'all from slipping in an extra SOTY match. :)

If you think the 7/9 scores are actually the scheduled 7/7 scores, I'll write Rachel for permission to fix it. That hard holding John Spafford came out on top for the 3 Gun in those 7/9 dated results.

That is the 7-7 scores. How the 9th got on it I don't know unless he didn't send it in until the 9th. Thanks Wilbur for your help!