
What the H happened here?

My wife and I don't discuss much anymore...... we'll drive down the road contentedly listening to an audio file or a podcast.

Because we're adults.

And we've been together longer than most folks have been alive.

And we've already discussed anything and everything we've ever had questions about.

And when we have a NEW question or subject, or are "surprised" by events, we'll turn of the rad and discuss it.

Most folks prattle endlessly about the weather, and how good each other looks, and how big so-and-so's (insert subject here) is..... and whether or not this person or that will get voted off the island, or "I nearly shat me'self when George R R Martin killed off XXX" etc etc..... In the same way many shooters just want to get through another day "sharing stuff" like "I just bought this reall cool XXX" or "my RemChester just put three shots into a half-inch" or "who makes the best barrel?"..... Or they opine about stuff they've never experienced, arguing endlessly instead of actually going out and TESTING and BUILDING stuff. Most "forums" in today's world in fact run on visiting and "sharing" not on actual (Lord FORFEND!!) discussion.

THIS forum is and has always been an information forum.

I've been on this forum for well over 20yrs and some things have happened;
#1, the rules have evolved which has precluded some discussions.
#2, many interesting things have already been discussed. This forum has changed the shooting world hugely.
#3, our world has evolved around us such that societally our "feelings" have been allowed to become important. I useta' LOVE arguing with honest folks who'd get up on their hindfeet and TELL IT! Some of these folks have passed (Skipper, Dan Hackett, Dick Wright, Frank L Murphy to name a few) but now lots folks's get all butthurt and flounce instead of supporting their argument with reasoning (ie 'Forum').
#4 some folks have moved on because they came for sharing ideas and discussion and found instead a social media site.... I'll not name anyone here but I still correspond personally with over a dozen of these.

That said Jim...... you throw a subject out there and there are still some of us who'd love to mull it and maul it
Things have certainly changed/evolved. More have been learned, more has been conveyed to others in places like this. When I started, it was hard to find out what was working and what wasn't. Information was not available like today. And it just wasn't the vehicle to convey, like the innanet. PEOPLE wouldn't say a word about what they have found, what their method was. Today, people like James Mock, Tony and Ratigan's books, Jack Neary, putting on seminars at shoots and you tubs, and many others, on how and what to do to make things right, have helped greatly. I'm sure many have benefited from them.

Thankfully, today folks are more interested in continuing the sport than keeping secrets. Nobody will keep spending money going to matches and getting beat soundly every time, without somebody stepping up and offering advice.
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BTW Jim..... I have a question for YOU :)

I _think_ you have a reputation for building high-grade retro rifles like Hi-Walls and such..... if this is true, and if you do finishing/refinishing to an olde schoole "oil finish" look........the look we used to get by endlessly rubbing in a tung oil based product with a "dryer" of some sort........ what do you use now??
I don't do much with the older stuff, mostly working rifles and shotguns. With that in mind, most of my finishes are tung-oil-urethane type matte finish, nothing high polish. Thanks for asking and nice to know there are a few folks who read this thread. I see it is not dead
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Sadly allot of the folks who used to do allot of the sharing and random talking are no longer with us now. That has been the biggest change that I have seen over the years. Thankfully all of the knowledge that they left behind is still right here on this site all though it is a bit hard to find at times just by name.
Another, not completely rubbed down yet.


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First post got wiped accidently, try Arrow wood finish…..tung based, can leave glossy, satin, or anything in between.
Did this about a year back, my R2.


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A re-finish?

Finish was spotty, dried right out on spots, fairly flat but most grain was filled, same with the Win 63. I ‘ve seen similar results starting with raw walnut however.
That 63 is unique, believe it was a Fajin stock display gun, dates from 1943……unfired as far as I can tell.
If starting from scratch you need wet/dry paper for a slurry to fill grain but stuff builds fast.
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Complete gun, Dubiel Arms.
Has the classic John Dubiel shadow line cheek piece but I have seen, personally, no other straight grip rifles.
Seems to have an original hornet barrel, 3/4” dia, 27 1/4”, closer to .223”.
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Here’s another.
C.C. Johnson in .225, SST, stocked by Hal Hartley.


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I’ll see if I can post a full pic, it is quite elegant with a long semi beavertail forend and that long heavy(ish) barrel.